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Everything posted by fm0003

  1. I'm having the same problem using safari on my phone. I'm actually on a layover in Chicago, so I'm even more irrationally agitated than I would be if I were at home.
  2. Location has pretty much ruled my decisions as to where I'm applying. Originally from the east coast, I've been on the west coast for 10 years and I'm eager to move back that way. For that reason, I purposely didn't apply to a large handful of places that aren't back east, despite some programs that seemed to be a good fit (Austin, Berkeley, UCSB, etc...). My partner is also in a very specialized field and that also ruled out a lot of places. I'd be happy getting into any school to which I applied (provided there is funding), even the ones that might not be in my dreamy top 4... That said, like everyone else, I'm white-knuckling life for the next few weeks.
  3. @sciencegirl - Yale is great for qual methods. They may not be known for gender/sexuality, but hey, it's Yale. If you get in and don't want to go, you may be able to use it as a bargaining chip. A friend of a friend is in the Yale soc program now (albeit with different research interests), and he is super happy there. I keep the visual soc interest quiet b/c in my experience, it's very hard to pull off in such a way as to be accepted by most sociologists. Maybe my apprehension is due to the extremely quant-focused university from where I got my BA. Even though they offered a visual class, I saw the eye-rolling from a few professors in the department regarding it. On another note, I am also really shy and haven't contacted ANY POI's. I've heard mixed opinions on the matter, including one of my letter writers, who vehemently recommended I do not write to anyone (I think that's her own deal, she doesn't want to be bothered)...
  4. @sciencegirl - word. i've generally been lurking, due to being crazy busy, but now that I'm nearing the end of the process (2 more apps to go!), I've decided to speak up. Also, I know what you mean about saving your money. I feel like I just donated $90 to Princeton... my interests are: gender and sexuality, qualitative methods, and race and ethnicity (I also love visual soc, but tend to keep that one quiet) my list is as follows: UMass NYU UConn U of Michigan Northwestern Rutgers Princeton Yale As a nearly 30 year old person whose highest annual income was the time 6 years ago when I made $21k (and was nearly denied financial aid b/c of it), I'd be thrilled to make $55k. But then again, I'd be cool with making pretty much anything if I get to conduct research for a living.
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