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Posts posted by jywayne

  1. On 3/17/2012 at 5:27 PM, meestakrabz said:

    Congratulations on your acceptance! I was just accepted to WVU's MFA in creative writing program. Really exciting!

    I don't know anyone in the area at all. Does anyone have any good advice regarding where to try and find an apartment? I'll be moving there with my fiance, and we really only need a one-bedroom apartment. The only issue is that we only have one vehicle, so we'll need to rely on public transportation and our feet. Also, we can't really afford to visit first. So, we're going to go off of what we find out through the internet, Google Earth, word of mouth, etc. Any type of information or advice would be much appreciated!

    Very cool! I decided to accept the offer, so I'm sure we'll be meeting one another in a few months! I know the area fairly well, having a lot of friends there. You might check out Copper Beech apartments. They are a little on the expensive side, but WVU gives a fairly generous stipend, and it'd be perfect for 2 people.

  2. Thought I would write here to say I called the Department and that apparently I had been rejected a long time ago but something is screwy in their new electronic system. I don't know how that bodes for the rest of you good folks still waiting, but I'm glad I called and just ended the lost cause.

  3. Hello friends!

    I'm got a special request, for both myself and all the other waitlisted people slowly losing their sanity. Since it seems like people are starting to make decisions and stuff, if anyone turns down an offer, could you just drop us a line here? Give us the gift of hope this application season! Or hair dye, since we're also a prematurely greying lot as well.

    Or balding. :)

  4. I thought I'd write this for all you fine folks in this thread. I called UTK this morning and the grad director told me they have 55 people on their WL (I thought holy shit? Do you WL everyone?) and that I was 17th. That seems like quite a bad place to be, so I'm not going to hold out too much hope for them in the coming weeks.

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