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Everything posted by LucySera

  1. I'd offer to look yours over for you, but I doubt reviewing mine would be of particular help to you as over in Europe they are -very- differently focused (Oxford even states that they should not be like those usually required in North America!). Despite calling it a 'personal statement', personal story barely factors into it. Instead it should be short and succinct, addressing: 1.Why do you want to study the course you are applying for? (brief) 2.How are you academically and otherwise qualified to begin this course? 3.Why should we give you a place above other candidates? 4.What will you do with your degree once you have graduated? Nevertheless, if you would like me to have a gander I'd be perfectly happy to do so.
  2. What it says on the tin - how long did it take you to get an initial response from academic staff who you contacted regarding references? I graduated last year but due to ill health needing several surgical interventions I decided to apply for postgraduate study commencing 2012/13. Things have been rather hectic, and I've been running around trying to get everything together and developing my research proposals etc etc. I need 3 referees for the majority of my postgrad courses and was initially rather unsure - I have two professors who I thought would certainly write me good references (lots of personal contact over the years of undergrad, as well as assisting one of them with research), but had to deliberate over the third - eventually chosing my dissertation supervisor. I sent emails off on Monday enquiring as to whether each would be able to write me a reference but although I heard back from my dissertation supervisor immediately, I have yet to hear from Professor 1 and Professor 2 in any capacity. Now whilst I logically know this simply means that they are very busy and will get back to me soon enough (and failing that I will email them next Tuesday), my inner panic monkey is conjuring all sorts of negative suspicions about what could be causing the delay. Sooooooo - what I want to know is how long did it take you to hear back? Reassure me please!
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