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Posts posted by roboticsapplicant

  1. In writing my SOP, my first instinct is write as much as I can about the bunch of research projects I've done. Obviously, there isn't enough space to do all of that, so I've focused on the ones that are important and relevant. I have about a short paragraph listing professors and research projects I'd like to work with/on at the school I'm applying to do, and the fact that I believe it would be a good fit cause it matches some of the research I've done previously.

    How do you balance talking about yourself, your accomplishments, and your research vs. talking about professors and research being done at the school you're applying to? Is one brief paragraph enough? Should I write essentially a research proposal? Part of me tells me they already know they're cool and have enough brains to look at my listed research and say "hey, this is exactly what I'm doing now", but part of me wonders if all they want to hear about is themselves.


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