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Everything posted by erra

  1. SO. Both career and love are important, but I could definitely find happiness outside academia, while I'd always feel something was missing if I didn't have my best friend, lover, and soon-to-be husband in my life. So saying, he's moving with me in the fall and is going to support me through my first year of school, then (hopefully!) start his own Ph.D. He didn't get into med school and I only into one program, so while things are much easier for us than they are for most people, they may not have been. Worst case scenario I would have joined him in his city when my residency requirement was up.
  2. You are so right, with gratitude. When you're not totally sure of yourself, it's so easy to get caught up by others' very narrow definitions of success. And, talking with women who've taught at Ivies (Harvard & Yale, particularly) and looking at the male:female ratio on their faculties, I (also female) suspect that it would be like being a woman in science in the 50's and 60's. And where I'm probably going is very well-regarded for my subfield. Thank you for your kind words. Here's hoping that hard work pays off in the library as in the lab!
  3. Thank you, engguy. I know the odds, and while I will eventually be delighted with a secure job at a community college, I still want to be able to dream. And I'm generally terrified now that one of my life-goals is upon me and I've got to put my money where my mouth is.
  4. Hi, I've been lurking for a while among everyone's various trials and tribulations. Here's my story: I attended and excelled at research-institution State U, and, after 3 years of life in the wide world of work, applied to top programs (as informed by the US News & World Report as well as by various English profs at my BA institution) in English for my Ph.D. hoping to have a shot at a research career someday. I've only been admitted to one school at this point (IU-Bloomington, guaranteed on-the-dole), waiting on 2. Like most of you I want a research career eventually so (perhaps naively) I'm still hurting from no top-10 admission, and neither I nor my partner (a chemist who's madly looking for work in Indianapolis) want to move to the boonies. However, unlike the other schools I applied to in quest of the 'right' Ph.D., Indiana actually has people in my area of interest (Gothic, Victorian, and contemporary combinations of both), plus their job placement rates are good. But after a month of thinking I'd be OK with even a back-up school, I have cold feet. Besides the terrors no-more-big-paycheque and living-in-a-village, I'm scared that this good-but-not-awesome Ph.D. won't help me get where I want to go. Am I being utterly ridiculous? Are any of you in a similar situation? If so, what are you thinking?
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