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Everything posted by jdennis2

  1. Still waiting to hear from Azusa Pacific about their pre psy.d program. Has ANYONE ON THIS PLANET heard anything? o.O it has been forEVER.
  2. I completely understand, I have yet to hear back from my first choice. I check my email compulsively and I've become obsessed with my snail mailbox o.O So hang in there a lot of us are in the same boat, but the silence really is superior to a rejection .
  3. Heard from my 2nd choice a few weeks back got an interview. But I've heard NOTHING from my first choice and it is driving me insane. I check my email and my snail mail every 20 minutes o.O sympathy to all it's not fun.
  4. Taking into the consideration all of the stressful and frantic qualities of the application process, the anticlimactic sitting around portion of this experience comes off as ESPECIALLY frustrating hurry up and wait my friends that is what we're doing. I just wish that I was more prepared for this part, if only they hadn't told me I'd hear back in 3-4 weeks :\ because it is now week 6, and I have had enough. Thank you for this thread good to know its not just me.
  5. I am so happy to hear that someone else had the GRE nightmare as well ( my scores were a trainwreck, seriously), and it really doesn't help when you go online and read about people who scored decently and are still complaining. But reading your post give me a little hope and despite my wretched scores I have recently been offered an interview at my 2nd choice, still waiting to hear from my top pick but I have a feeling it'll be any day now
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