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Everything posted by cady
I finally got the rest of my placements. UCLA rejection this morning and I emailed UNC Chapel Hill yesterday and found out I was on the wait list. I will be accepting UW Madison today. Good luck to everyone. If their are fellow UW Madison attendees out there - message me!
I am going to accept Madison - anyone else out there? Let's get to know eachother
Have any sculptors heard from UCLA? I assume I am out but I just can't move on until I get that rejection
VCU rejection by mail.
Where on line can you see your chapel hill status? Feel like I'm in a black hole - not a peep from UCLA, UNC Chaple Hill, or VCU
so does mine
Thanks Miyamoto81 - I do know that Madison is a great school and I did really like all the faculty there. I also think that UCLA and VCU are out. I just sooooo wanted UCLA that I feel like I can't move on until I get that rejection. I really want the rejection at this point so I can get ready to move to Wisconsin. Good luck everyone - tomorrow's another Monday
I feel like I am in a black hole - i haven't heard anything from anyone for over a month. At this point, I almost don't even want to go to grad school.
Can anyone tell me about "New Genre"? Does every school have a different definition? I know some places have put me with New Genre and others have placed me with Sculpture. I am trying to figure out if I might still be in the running at UCLA (unlikely) or already out. Anyone else having this problem?
That is also what I was told. I was also told that 1st years don't always get funding but 2nd and 3rd years almost all get funding so not to worry if you don't get it right away.
I am most likely going to Madison. Congrats. Have u visited yet or are you planing to?
thanks so much bwatkins for the info!! that really helps me out
I need some advice - are you supposed to do your FAFSA before you know where you are going? I have been seeing deadlines but I thought that the FAFSA required you to put down where you were attending? Any help with this would be greatly appreciated!!!
I work at a summer camp and they hire me in January to do all the interviews. I love to Skype with the interviewes as much as possible. Not only do I get a better sense of who they are, I remember them so much better! A few Skype tips: dogs sometimes think there is a friend in the house who is not playing with them and start to bark so put a dog some place away from you Skyping, make sure the room you are in is picked up and not busy (I've seen 30 unmade beds this season alone), super personal stuff and pictures always seem weird to me when I don't know the person, and last, try it out with someone to make sure you are not to dark or the angle is right up your nose. If you need someone to try it out with, I'd be happy to run a trial Skype with anyone.
Sorry Brown06. I read waitlist and not waiting. Maybe I have finally cracked!
Brown 06 - when did you hear from UCLA? I'm a sculptor so maybe it is different, but just wondering. Did anyone else hear from UCLA?
Congrats Eschaton
I was rejected from Yale as well - but I was impressed with how on point they were with last years letters. I'm surpised I'm not upset. I must not really have wanted it that much. I'm sure we will all find a place that will be a great match for each of us. Congrats Corn Chowder!!!
I got into the UW - Madison as well, 4D department. Are you in sculpture? I've met Aris and he is really great.