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Everything posted by cabooklover

  1. Thank you so much! Pantone257 - thank you. And congrats to you!
  2. Thank you. Thanks everyone, I'm bummed but I will be finding a way to get to England so it's not all bad. Congrats to all who have received their acceptance. I'm so sorry for all of those who received rejections.
  3. I just received my rejection email. I was a full grant applicant to the UK.
  4. No email yet. I'm so scared.
  5. Good luck! I am so much calmer now that I called and found out when to start expecting the email.
  6. I believe they will come at 6pm EST Jermaine and Cara both just said notifications for stage 1 would be sent out by end of the day today. I am assuming, from previous year info, that everyone will be notified.
  7. You can see it here
  8. I *love* Cara Doble! She actually called me back! And she gave me the same info as Jermaine, the emails will go out tonight. ETA: Twitter is evil. Dang, 29 finalists from one school?! I'm at at-large applicant and am really scared now.
  9. Aw, thanks! Glad to have news to contribute that might be helpful. I hope everyone on this board hears good news!!!! That may be there plan but it sure hasn't stopped me from calling....and calling, until I found a real live person. LOL.
  10. Okay, I've been a total Gryffindor and have been making these calls....most unlike me LOL. Anyway, I couldn't get a hold of Rachel or Cara, so I decided to branch out. I contacted Jermaine Jones who is the contact for Africa. He said that his information states that notifications will go out at the end of the day on January 19th. He does not know if that means end of business day EST or 11:59pm.
  11. Well, I'm not a German applicant but Rachel is out of the office until the 23rd, so I called Cara Doble. Also got voicemail for her but I left a message with my number, so maybe I'll get a callback?
  12. The only number I have is for Rachel but when I called it last time, someone else did pick up and tell me she was running late that day, so I tried it again today and got voicemail. Sorry.
  13. Yes, I have! They have some scholarships and I am in the midst of applying for them right now. A little help would be tremendous, so I've got all of my fingers and toes crossed that I get something from somewhere. Thank you for mentioning it though! Well, I am now, thanks! LMAO ETA: Safiri, I agree with Molly. We're all so on edge, that your post probably just rubbed some people the wrong way. However, you have to admit, the whole cookie thing was kind of funny! At least we haven't lost our sense of humor!
  14. On the one hand, I intend to go to the UK whether I get the Fulbright or not which makes things a bit easier. But on the other, if I don't get the Fulbright, I will be very stressed out for the next nine months trying to save every penny that I can.
  15. Freaking hell. How the heck am I supposed to contain myself for one more day?! Thank you for the update!
  16. January 31, 2012 Stage 1 Decision Notification via: http://us.fulbrightonline.org/overview_timeline.html
  17. Thanks, it makes me feel better to know what to look for. lol
  18. From what I understand from previous years, you are notified via email and they send them out en mass to all applicants. So yes, we're all notified at the same time.
  19. Tomorrow would be awesome but that's probably just wishful thinking. It will most likely be Thursday or Friday
  20. Oh my, I didn't think of that either. I think that wait would kill me lol
  21. Thanks you guys. I didn't find out about the Fulbright until the last minute and applied in a rush. I'm learning so much after the fact, very frustrating but I had to take a chance!
  22. Re: the affiliation How many of you guys are applying for a full grant? My affiliation is my acceptance to a one year master's program at the university of birmingham and I'm worried that they won't like that. Does anyone know if they prefer funding things that are less formal than a master's program?
  23. Omg. Everyone has a different answer, crazy! Tomorrow is Friday. So, if historically, they go out Friday... :/ I've been accepted into a master's program at the University of Birmingham, so if I don't get the grant I've going to save up as much money as I can and go anyway.
  24. Ha, thanks! I spoke with Rachel and she said the email would go out sometime the last week of January but she's not sure what day. So we still have about two weeks.
  25. I'm desperate enough for news, I'm going to call in the morning. I live in California, 212 area code is New York so I'll be calling at 10:30am their time, if someone else wanted to call earlier...
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