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Everything posted by Mh31

  1. Hi Everyone, I was wondering if you could give me your opinions on my financial aid situation. I have been offered a place at the MFA Graphic Design program at Yale and have also been offered financial aid. Not to get too specific in terms of numbers, but they are offering to give me a scholarship which covers 99% of my tuition cost, a thing called 'work-study' where I work at the school and make 3k per year and a 13k loan. I main worry here is the loan. As I am an international student, I am not eligible to a Federal Loan so Yale have provided two options: --Take a loan directly from the school, which has a 8% fixed rate, and interest is incurred while I study with a 6 month grace period before I have to pay it back upon graduation. --Take a loan from a US bank affiliated with a school--I choose the bank and Yale does the rest. I know it's common for people to take out loans in the US, but I am worried how I would pay it back as I am uncertain what my financial and job situation will be once I graduate. I took a loan out during my undergrad in Europe, but I dont need to start paying it back until i'm making a significant amount of money. Even then it is a very small amount taken out each month at around $40. Also, it terms of paying my tuition fee, how does it work. Do I tell the school I would like to use my scholarship to contribute towards that? Anyone know how much they take out at a time? I'd appreciate your thoughts. Thank you!
  2. Yeah the 2 year course. I briefly looked into the accommodation information they sent us, but nothing thorough. I'm curious if there are many 1st year school of art people in dorms or if they get apartments/houses together. Yes, definitely keep in touch, be good to meet eventually!
  3. Hey Song, abit late but congrats! I got into Yale aswell! Crazy times. I'm waiting to hear about the amount of financial aid they give me before I accept their offer. I have talked to a couple of students regarding the financial aid and they have told me that it was good for them especially considering the course is so small. Like you i'm an international student and was wondering if the aid I get will differ from home students? Have you started looking into accommodation. How soon should we start organising this sort of stuff? I can really only afford to go to Yale if they offer me adequate financial help, so I cant really look into this stuff until I hear from them. P.S. Eschaton, i'm really sorry to hear that, I've seen your work and it looks really great. I hope it works out for you.
  4. Hi Eschaton, Thank you for clearing that up for me! I'm going to be there on the 21st, hope all the preparations are going well!
  5. Hi Everyone, Hope your graphic design interviews are going well. I have a question mainly aimed at those with interviews at Yale's MFA graphic design course, but if anyone else can help i'd appreciate it. I am having an in person interview at the school and was wondering if we need to label our work with our name and provide an inventory. It says two different things when comparing the website instructions to the letter from the school. I am guessing it wouldn't make sense to label or create an inventory if you are going to be there in person... Any help would be appreciated! Thank you!
  6. Hi Kazoo, thanks for the advice. I Thanks for your advice! Sorry, didn't see Song's post!
  7. Hello everyone, I've got a quick question and Your opinions would be appreciated. I've been lucky enough to get an interview at Yale, but I like in the UK. I've been thinking if it's worth the cost of the flight to come down for the interview. I'm guessing it would show them I really want to go. Appreciate your thoughts!
  8. I saw the problem when I was looking at the proof of my application in my browser. I called the school and explained the situation, they were very nice. I sent them the documents and they updated my file. One thing I did notice however, is that the submission date changed to the date they updated my file. But when you click to view the application it says that it was received in time. They never mentioned that sending them the files would have a negative impact on my application, so I hope that my file isn't seen as late by the admission committee. Another thing to get worked up about before hearing back from schools! If your application is fine when you preview it in your browser, I wouldn't worry.
  9. Thanks no_name, I think I will do that.
  10. Hello I am new here, I hope this is posted in the right place. I submitted my application to the Yale School of Art on the 3rd of January and have been checking my application since, and all the materials were fine. I checked again today and when I click 'Preview Application Proof' at the bottom of the page as usual it is showing a previous version of both my resume and statement. I do not understand how this could happen considering that the correct resume and statement has been showing since I submitted my application. Is anyone else experiencing this problem? I'm not sure what's going on. If anyone could help i'd appreciate it.
  11. I'm in the same situation as you starling. I didn't think it was a big deal to 'waive my rights' either. Did you hear back from any of the schools you emailed regarding it?
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