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Everything posted by Rogue029

  1. Hi nadirv26, I applied to both Criminology programs as well... and heard back from Ottawa U a few weeks ago. However I have yet to hear anything from UofT, although from what I've seen here it sounds like the decisions are starting to make their way out! Hope you hear some good news soon!
  2. Hi Surefire, Yes, I confirmed with York SLST, so it looks like I will have a home there in the fall (provided the next few weeks go smoothly of course!). I was trying to wait for resposes from all the programs I applied to, but SLST was my absolute #1 all a long.. it sounds like they have everyhing I'm looking for, fit into my long term plans well and are giving me full funding. After some thought I decided not to overcomplicate the decision and just accept, besides I don't think acceptances from my two remaing programs would change my mind anyways. Although, I'm in the same boat as you as far as my UofT Crim application goes... I'm not sure if I should withdraw or just wait it out. Unfortunately I wasn't able to make it to the SLST MA open house last week... too many obligations keeping me close to home (and my books) at the moment. I will likely be trying to make it up for a visit in the near future though, and meet with the director as well. I definitely would not mind words of wisdom you may have! I appreciate the offer... I will probably send you a message soon (although it may be after my head clears from thesis writing panic and I can actually think clearly about what I've gotten myself into! lol) By the way, it sounded like you were facing a tough decision yourself, have you made a decision as well? I can only imagine it would have been difficult to chose between the programs you were accepted to, although I must say the acceptances you recieved at the PhD level must be encouraging on their own! I can imagine the UofT vs York decision cannot be an easy one. As I mentioned I was waiting for a response from UofT as well, but defintely felt like York was a better fit for my interests and approach right now overall. Anyways congrats on your acceptances! Looking forward to talking with you about the program!
  3. Hi, I applied to MA Crim @ UofT as well, but so far no status change or any other update from them yet. Mine still says "under review" ... so I can't give you much insight into what their decision may be! Hopefully it is good news though! Good luck.. I'll let you know if I hear anything else!
  4. Thanks surefire! It's great to make contact with others out there with similar discipline interests. Congrats on your acceptances so far as well... and good luck with the decision making process. I finally made mine today and it was not easy!! Especially having not heard back from all of my options. I was trying to wait and make an informed decision, but eventually figured why say no to my first choice? Seemingly perfect fit, great funding, small program, great reputation... I didn't want to overthink it anymore and drive myself crazy! By the way, it was the Criminology MA at U of T I applied for. Still have not heard anything from them, but from what I understand UofT MA funding is pretty weak, and I think they are (overall) slightly more traditional discipline wise than I am looking for right now, so at this point I don't think an acceptance would make much of a difference to my decision (except perhaps to give me a bit of an ego boost! lol). I have heard great things about the Socio-Legal Studies program, as well as York's faculty and atmosphere in general. And yes I LOVE that they call to tell you about the acceptance!! Admittedly I nearly dropped to the floor when I got the call. I will absolutely send you a message, any info you have on what the experience is like, or what to expect would be very helpful. I'm experiencing that combination of jubliant + "what the hell did I get myself into" feelings right now! Anyways, again, thank you and good luck with your decision! Look forward to talking with you about the program!
  5. I visit this forum often enough that I feel I should make a contribution! Two acceptances last week: Ottawa U MA Criminology (status changed online last weekend and recieved formal letter in the mail over the week) and York MA Socio-Legal Studies (recieved a phone call from the Grad director on Monday- letter to follow this week). So happy about York- it was my top choice, and the funding sounds quite generous! Still waiting on two more applications... but I'm fairly certain I've already made a decision.... Good luck to everyone still waiting, and congrats to those who have received acceptances!
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