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Posts posted by kyurious

  1. FYI for MICA Mount Royal applicants: According to their admissions office the admissions process is held up due to Frances Barth being out on medical leave. She should be back in one week. Admissions guy also said that they do their interviews in rounds, so there are more applicants still to be notified, but it seemed a little like he was making up the process as he went along, or just agreeing with what I was asking, so not sure if that's absolutely accurate.

  2. I'm curious to hear from folks who have experience looking at images projected. Mine look noticeably worse (and I'm confident in the quality of my images) when projected. I'm testing them on an older, borrowed projector, so I'm wondering if that could be part of what I'm seeing.

    I don't remember thinking at artist talks, "jeez those images look bad, the look projected," so that may be wishful thinking.


  3. I'm curious to hear from folks who have experience looking at images projected. Mine look noticeably worse (and I'm confident in the quality of my images) when projected. I'm testing them on an older, borrowed projector, so I'm wondering if that could be part of what I'm seeing.

    I don't remember thinking at artist talks, "jeez those images look bad, the look projected," so that may be wishful thinking.


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