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Everything posted by lamouchemorte

  1. This topic is such a bummer.
  2. I'm wondering if it is wise to contact a school regarding my place on their waiting list. Is this a bad idea? Are people even ranked on it?
  3. Does anyone have a clue if getting on a waiting list to Yale actually matters? Is there still A chance to get in? How do they decide who gets in?
  4. That is terrible. I was there to pick up my work earlier this week and they rolled my paintings up really badly and left them filthy. I don't think they respect other's work very much. It left a bad taste in my mouth about the school in general. Why pay so much money to deal with that kind of inconsideration?
  5. Everybody mentions New York and Los Angeles. Does anybody know how helpful (career-wise) a city like Chicago is?
  6. Does anybody know about Columbia? What's the deal?
  7. Anybody know when the UCLA Painting department sends out their rejections/ interview requests? And for that matter, what about Columbia MFA Painting?
  8. I got invited to an interview at Yale for the mfa painting/printmaking program. Does anyone know how good my chances are now? Also, how big of a factor is it that I actually go to the interview as opposed to having a Skype session? I'll probably go anyway but I'm wondering if anybody has any info and/or tips.
  9. Anybody have a clue how long the UCLA and Stanford Statement of Purpose have to be? This is for the MFA Painting program. I'm up to 500. I asked a friend who is doing her curatorial MFA and she said between 800-1000 words. I think this is excessive. Any answers would be greatly appreciated.
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