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    PhD, Philosophy

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  1. A question about this: Say I'm holding a university fellowship the first year and then receive, in January, a SSHRC. I can't hold a fellowship and sshrc simultaneously, so what would happen? essentially lose the first year of funding from SSHRC?
  2. has anyone on the waitlist heard? anyone know when to expect news on this front?
  3. Wait listed 18.5/30 Just saw up there someone got super SSHRC with 18.7! Maybe that's a good sign for 18.5?
  4. Hi everyone, I am starting to freak out a little bit and was wondering if anyone could help me. OSU is my first choice and I really want to go there. However, their estimated expense documents show that I would need to prove 31 244$ in income per year (for myself (20000$) and spouse (additional 11 000$)). Now this just seems patently ABSURD. I am unuaware of any department that could provide this type of financial support (even without a spouse) for 5 years. I live on less than 15000$ a year with my spouse now in Montreal and Columbus is EVEN CHEAPER. Has anyone experienced anythign like this? I called them and they verified those numbers and they say they are accurate. WTF!?
  5. I'm in Quebec. I went to the Palais de Justice (Montreal courthouse) yesterday. They have to post a notice for 20 days and you have to wait 60 days to get a date. I asked for early May. Hopefully I'll be alright then Does anyone know when it would be TOO LATE to apply for the VISA?
  6. The issue is that I have not made my decision yet. Although I will be going to the United States, I will probably not have a clear idea of where I'm going until early April.
  7. I just spoke with the courthouse and I can only get a date 60 days after my initial deposit (which hopefully will be tomorrow) so I will be marrying some time in early May. Is this too late? When do people usually apply for their J1 or F1 visa?
  8. In that case, would be not be willing to move with you the first year? Has he done a Masters (although I realize this i very uncommon in the US)? Should he be willing to do so he may be able to pursue his interests while living with you during your more coursework intensive years. After that, you may be separated but it will be easier for you to visit while working on your dissertation.
  9. He is probably relying on the Philosophical Gourmet report which is a survey of hundreds of professional philosophers that rank institutions based on the quality of the departments' research (both overall and in specific sub-disciplines of philosophy). These rankings, while imperfect, do have a strong correlation with placement record.
  10. If his goal is academia I can see why he would be obsessed with rankings. Has he already applied this season?
  11. Congratz, that's good news. Does anyone know how much longer it may take given that candidates have been informed whether they are Group A or B?
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