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Everything posted by ProfessorKate

  1. Alright, I can't keep up with everyone who has been accepted to Poland. Congrats to those I didn't address directly.
  2. Congrats, Elysiann!
  3. Congratulations to wolc and MPlaza! Can't wait to see you there. Congrats to everyone else who has been accepted! To those who are still waiting: hang in there!
  4. Accepted as an ETA to Poland! I received my email at 8:49am today. I'm pretty surprised that I got it. Everyone I know who has applied for an ETA grant with 1 or more dependents has been rejected. I told my fiance to excpect that I would be turned down; he's as shocked/elated as I am!
  5. @badgerslp - I called the office since I was nervous about my transcripts getting where they needed to be on time, and the guy who checked on them for me was very helpful. He didn't give me any indication that I my call was unusual, or that I was doing something I wasn't supposed to.
  6. Recommended ETA Poland Just received news this morning that I got approved to teach an adult ESL class at a local community college. What a day! I really hope I don't have to wait until June to know if I've been accepted. I'm going to start interviewing for secondary school teaching jobs in April. Oh well, it's an honor to have made it this far!
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