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  1. Anyone see that Fulbright completely revamped their website? They also put up some 2012-2013 stats like number of applicants (at least for ETAs!) Here's the link for the stat chart: http://us.fulbrightonline.org/uploads/files/eta/2013%20ETA%20Chart.pdf Definitely was a super-competitive year for ETAs!!
  2. I know! I keep thinking that there is more that I need to do. I still have to check the original email and letters they sent me just to be sure I really did it haha. I think the only thing for now is final transcripts (at least for graduating seniors) and then they'll send us (or at least ETAs) Visa forms later! I'm so excited!!!!
  3. For Korea ETAs, we have to send in our acceptances by April 15th so about two weeks after we were notified. I imagine it is different for every country so I don't know how helpful this is for you lol. Good luck to you and all of the other alternates!!
  4. Personally, I think it depends a lot on the school, your country, and your co-teacher. I am student teaching at a high school right now in America and you are going to find all kinds of different students in your class so it is really hard to tell what kind of students you will get. I think as long as you communicate well with your co-teacher, show the students that you genuinely care about them, and have high expectations for them, you will be find. Your school will also probably have a discipline/classroom management plan for you and other teachers to follow so make sure to be familiar with that! I hope this helps ease some of your anxiety. Middle school really isn't too bad haha!
  5. Oh my gosh I just found out I got a Fulbright ETA to Korea!!!! I honestly cannot believe it!!! No one from my school has ever gotten anything like this. I applied thinking that I didn't even have a chance and now this is reality! Totally has not sunk in at all yet. Congratulations to all who received the good news today (especially us Korea folk!!!) and my sincere condolences to those who did not make it this time. I can't believe I'll be spending next year in Korea teaching English with Fulbright!!!!!
  6. I haven't heard from Korea and I'm an ETA applicant....I hope it's soon though!!!
  7. Same here! I haven't talked to my FPA about Fulbright since the interviews in the Fall....except now the problem is that I'm checking this wayyy too much! haha. I'm trying not to talk or think about it too much but it's difficult not too. I'm just glad I'm not waiting on grad school responses like some of you are. I couldn't imagine waiting on both Fulbright and grad schools together. I'm thinking we'll hear within the next 30 days or so for most of us so keep your spirits up!!
  8. Those both sound awesome! II proposed to observe and interview other teachers in different content areas to see what they do and hopefully bring back some ideas with me to the states! I am actually an ed major so I plan to teach for my career. On the side, I would love to take a cooking class or possibly even do some classes of my own!
  9. Got my email yesterday for recommendation for ETA in Korea! Crazy!! Thought I would never ever have a shot since I haven't really been abroad much. Now it's a loooong wait again. Congrats to all those who made it to the final step!
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