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Everything posted by tonylee

  1. anyone heard from Gatech, My status changed into something like "depatment acting pending".
  2. Still have not heard form Cornell, I really like this school
  3. I don't which one is worse : a quick rejction or a long time-waited one?
  4. I still heard nothing, is that bad news ?
  5. Thanks, any information about Cornell ?
  6. seems that I have the worst background here. Anyway, it feels much better to talk with someone during this horrible waiting
  7. Undergrad Institution: regular engineerig U in China Major(s): Mechatronics Overall GPA: 83% Position in Class: 5% grad Institution: Good engineering U in China Major(s): Master, Robotics Overall GPA: 90% Position in Class: 5% GRE Scores (old version):Q: 800 V: 620 W: 3 TOEFL Total: 110 Research Experience: 1 jorunal, 1 conference 1 patent 1 in revision and 1 domestic journal (all first author) Awards/Honors/Recognitions: nothing fancy Applying to Where: listed in my signature recommendors: professors with little reputation Research Experience: RA as graduate Pertinent Activities or Jobs: 2 interns at EU companies Special Bonus Points: If there's anything. I would say my research work is highly independent and self-oriented.
  8. You are bold...me too.... How is that paper? if it's on Nature or Science, yes you have a great chance! wish you good luck
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