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Posts posted by burgundykitten

  1. Furniture's honestly not that bad to acquire. I think I found a couple places that are fully furnished, but they were uber-expensive. http://www.commonsosu.com/floorPlansInfo.php?id=120#

    The other one I was thinking of was called... The Abigail, I believe? I don't know that those are fully furnished, now that I'm trying to find the listing again. You'd still probably do better getting basic furniture though - moving would suck, but living in an apt with only 400 sq ft (if you lived alone) sounds less appealing for the price. Craigslist can be a good source for basic things (not mattresses).

  2. That's disheartening. Mine's only been in for three weeks & I'm going stir-crazy because all of my friends know where they got in already/where they're going. I've called the MSW office a couple times, she said they had a MASSIVE applicant pool this year & they're really behind in reviewing... but they also extended the deadline to turn in materials an extra month. :huh:

  3. My roommates & I got matching black squirrel tattoos (they're tiny & the unofficial undergrad mascot) when I graduated. We all applied to Ohio State, so if we all get in I think we're doing something buckeye-related next. I'd like a buckeye tree to go with my squirrel maybe.

    Unfortunately, not particularly nerdy. :( I saw a quote I'd really like in the future though that aligns with social work: "We make a living by what we have, but we make a life by what we give."

  4. Unless you have a degree that would be competitive in this economy, I would go straight into graduate school.

    I second that. I was lucky that I got a local job that had to do with my undergrad major, but I spent two months jobless after graduation; I had to borrow money from my SO for all bills, eating expenses, rent, etc. NOT a good feeling.

  5. you can buy gluten and make your own seitan. and tofu is available in most grocery stores. (Though I don't know how easy gulten is to find, and the texture of tofu isn't as good, at least in my opinion).

    Tofu's easily accessible here, but we usually only buy it if we're putting it in a recipe (example: we make vegan low-fat alfredo sauce). Seitan hasn't been THAT big of a loss because, it spite of the fact that I love it, it's not something I crave on even a weekly basis. I might try out making a seitan log soon though, I think about it every Thanksgiving & then end up with a Field Roast or Tofurky instead.

    I tend to buy tofu, gluten, seitan/mock duck, tempeh, etc from asian communities where it's always cheaper, homemade, and fresher. Go to your local chinatown or asian-owned grocery.

    They sell mock duck?! A Thai restaurant near us has amazing mock duck curry made with TVP that I'm dying to recreate.

    Btw, daiya, the fake cheese used in vegan pizza, is HORRIBLE for your health. It's just super-compressed oil. Eating real cheese is healthier, amazingly enough. I wouldn't advise anyone eat that stuff. My wife and I like to make our own veg pizza though, and we use hummus as the "cheese." Once it's baked, it has a real cheesy flavor and is obviously way better for you.

    Also suggested for cheesy flavor: nutritional yeast. We put it on our popcorn. Daiya can be absolutely NASTY on top of horrible for you. My roommate apparently got a Daiya-pizza last night that was overloading with fake-mozz & it wasn't edible whatsoever.

  6. I'd have to say my vegan cost of living is about to exponentially rise... We have food co-ops & grocery stores that cater to some vegan needs in my area (things like seitan or other fake meat, not just fresh produce), but things like Whole Foods & Trader Joe's are 45 minutes away, so it's a small luxury when we get to eat "sausage." However, my roommates & I are about to move to a city with tons of vegan eating-out options, plus multiple Whole Foods & Trader Joe's locations within 10 minutes of us. We (sadly, pathetically) went so far as to choose an apartment close to both campus and the local pizza shop that delivers vegan pizza. :rolleyes:

    I couldn't comment on the cost because I haven't bought meat since living on my own, but I would say the fake meat can be pricey for the amount you get.

  7. I applied to grad school last year; got in two schools, waitlisted at one, and was stoked to go, but then I found out my first choice didn't offer ANY grad scholarships, any kind of assistantship or fellowship, & I'd be pulling out $50k in government loans for a program that might not have a career that would take my anywhere. So I took a year off instead.

    I currently work FT in my undergrad field (psychology) - my county has a non-profit that caters to mental health clients, so I've gotten to build my CV a little while still doing something I enjoy. The relief of NOT being in school is fantastic - you feel like you can breathe, maybe for the first time, and you get to learn about yourself & pick up hobbies & be social. I imagine it can be boring at times, but it's also refreshing. If you missed learning, you could always just do something learning-esque for yourself, like tackle a new language or take a community college/online course for the hell of it.

  8. To my chagrin, I have been entirely unable to find any single other person on a forum or otherwise who is applying to OSU, is currently enrolled in the MSW program, etc. It's not in the "top 10", but it's decently high on the U.S. News rankings and is one of the oldest social work programs in the country. So: Did anyone happen to apply to their MSW or know anything about the College of Social Work there?

  9. To the OP, you could look into Mophie's juice pack cases for your iPhone. ;) It's a lifesaver.

    & I'm unfortunately guilty of updating my status page like 5x a day. I need to get down to checking once a day, after 5p since obviously it won't change if no one's working, but it's hard when it's so accessible...

  10. Bumping this with my own inquiries...

    Has anyone ever lived at Village West in Victorian Village & have a thought on it? Or do you have any recommended housing suggestions (2 br & cat-friendly) on Thurber/in that general vicinity?

    Does anyone know anything about OSU's College of Social Work (particularly the MSW)? I seriously have not been able to find forum opinions on it through any forum, but it's ranked 30th in the nation & is the best public Ohio social work option (in terms of rankings), but I wish I could get student input or anything.

  11. Ohio State

    I only applied to one school. :wacko: I originally intended to apply to Case Western, U Michigan, and Simmons also, but generally realized during my applications that even if I did get in the other schools but didn't get in to OSU, I wouldn't end up going there (except maybe Case, but the cost is outside my ideal budget).

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