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Posts posted by geohomme

  1. Hey Jahiliyya (and space.cadet),

    You should check out Syracuse when you start looking at Geo departments. They even have a joint professional program in Public Administration. Their MA and PhD programs in Geography are excellent, and they have several faculty working on water rights, political ecology, historical struggles around resources and resource extraction, public space, political and social movements and a great deal else.

  2. I accepted UCLA's offer. Declined Kentucky (with funding), and withdrew from U of Arizona.

    Good luck everyone!! Fingers crossed for you all.

    I don't suppose you might know when UCLA plans to send out their rejections...I have to assume at this point.

  3. tommy,

    All the people you mentioned are excellent. Huber, Perreault and Sultana are all very active, very engaging and (though quite different) all very kind, agreeable people. Mitchell is obviously fantastic as well. His classes are usually full of students from any number of disciplines and also auditors who are well beyond coursework, and for good reason.

    Perhaps we'll both end up here next year. It's certainly an excellent program (for a number of specializations) with a great faculty, and the grad student community here (even beyond geography) is really fantastic as well.

  4. andrade,

    I heard second-hand (a professor at Berkeley via a professor in my current department, Syracuse). Does this make sense? My current advisor heard this directly from my (formerly) prospective Berkeley advisor. I have written this three times, it doesn't seem to get less confusing...

  5. Thanks tommy. Your choices are solid as well. I heard the same of Rutgers, but decided to apply anyway. I like the faculty there, and it would be great to be close to NYC (my partner, an artist, would appreciate this).

    Are you one of those that has heard from Kentucky?

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