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Posts posted by MediaMom

  1. I applied to four programs for Fall 2012. I'm waiting to hear from three, but I've been accepted at one (and it was the one I thought I had the least chance of getting into, so I'm expecting acceptances at at least one or two of the others). Here are my thoughts for you:

    If you have taken the GRE and have scored under the 75th percentile in any of the areas, consider taking it again. Most programs will tell you something like, "we do not have a specific cut-off for GRE scores, but we expect our applicants' scores to be competitive." This is hard to decipher, but in the end, if you're in the upper 25% of applicants score-wise, you should be in good shape. Also, even if your program does not weigh scores heavily for admission purposes, many do weigh them heavily when it comes to deciding on financial assistance.

    If you can find an adjunct teaching position, do so ASAP. Teaching experience looks great on your application, and being in the classroom can give you some great material to write up for a conference presentation (more on that in a moment). You said you're currently working for a university. Perhaps you could teach for them? Even if they don't have a communication major, almost all schools offer electives in things like public speaking, interpersonal communication, writing for the professions, etc., that someone with a communication background would be qualified to teach. Approach local community colleges, which are likely to hire someone who has a master's degree.

    Try to get a presentation (or a publication, even better, but presentations are easier to come by!). You have a background in advertising and professional experience in the field. Do a search for calls for papers and see if there are any upcoming conferences in your area that could present an opportunity for you. Often, you don't have to present scholarly reserach. You can present on something innovative you're doing in your job that relates to trends in the field; if you're teaching, you can present on something you're doing in the classroom. You can also write something from a rhetorical perspective that shows you can do research and present a solid critical analysis of others' work. Not only will a presentation help your application, but you can use the paper as your writing sample.

    Hope this is helpful. Good luck!

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