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Everything posted by gsloan

  1. update from my end, mynewschool finally let me log in and I got the same " Congratulations on your acceptance and we look forward to seeing you at The new School. From this tab you can: pay your tuition deposit online, check your financial aid status, and access forms for international students." message! ...that means I'm in... right? haha, I can't seem to trust it without a personal email or a letter or something. I asked the admissions office if this was a valid way to check admission status, and they said to just look at alvin or wait for a letter. Not really encouraging. this is hardly mid-march.
  2. Mine still says "complete ready for review" like it always has. No news is good news? Has other people's status changed? Is this a reliable way to see admissions results? Sorry, I'm out of town and can't check my postal mail constantly, so what am I to do? haha
  3. wait, I'm in the same boat as GregSamsa here and didn't get an email... do you think this means I'm for sure not in, or maybe they're just doing the first round of acceptances? How upset should I be here? meeerp.
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