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Decaf (2/10)



  1. I'm the NYU admit. The notice came pretty late, as I was already starting to make up my mind. I have a clear preference at this point, but I wouldn't turn down a school without hearing them out.
  2. I was an admit and my status didn't change. It might be because they haven't finalized the financial offer yet. I wasn't notified for a couple of days after the posting on the results page. Visit days are March 7th and 8th. I would think they would give at least two weeks notice, so maybe you'll hear tomorrow?
  3. I just wanted to get everyone's thoughts on UCLA . It seems like a fantastic program, with professors doing unique research. Why don't more people mention it when talking about top ten programs? Everyone seems to mention Berkeley, Chicago, Princeton, Harvard, but NRC rankings put UCLA way above Chicago and on par with Berkeley's Classics (not AHMA) program. I'm just wondering if there's a specific reason it gets mentioned less. Are student outcomes not great? Is it unappealing to live in LA? Does it just happen to be underrated? What do you guys think? I also have the same question about NYU. Why is it not that high-profile when the professors are so active and well-known?
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