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Posts posted by ourfinalproblem

  1. I have had a lot of post-acceptance stresses. I got three rejections (two implicit) after getting three acceptances which killed some of my confidence a bit. But mostly I'm just so thrilled I got in anywhere after thinking I'd be rejected everywhere. The phone conversations with professors are the worst, though. I have social anxiety issues that are particularly exacerbated over the phone so it's always a struggle. I think I've gotten most of them out of the way, though, and they've gone pretty well.

    And visiting weekends! I have my first one coming up next week and I get nauseous every time I think about it. I'm so terrified of messing up somehow and having my acceptance revoked, even though I'm pretty sure that could never happen.

    There is also some anxiety about the decision I'll ultimately have to make, but I figure I'll wait until I see the schools and speak more personally with faculty and grad students before thinking about that too much.


  2. I just got off the phone with him -- it was about a fellowship nomination. I did catch the number of applicants, it was 20 spots out of 284 applications.

    He didn't mention if all the acceptances had been sent out, but he did say there were two rounds of fellowship nominations so it's possible they're still deciding on that round of acceptances/nominations. Don't lose hope!

  3. I have a couple of phone chats with professors from schools I've been admitted to coming up. Has anyone been through one of these? What types of questions should I be asking them?

    I received a very thorough and informative call from Northwestern when I was admitted, but I can never think of anything in particular to ask!

    I get quite anxious over the phone and freeze up, so I'm hoping to go into them with some basic, simple questions prepared...any advice or experience at all would be appreciated! :)

  4. I did get the letter today! Like everyone else's, it didn't offer any information on funding or possible visiting days or anything, though. I'm hoping we'll get that information soon, the other schools I got acceptances from have included that in the admission letter itself. They may be waiting to send out the second round of acceptances before sending out the details to everyone.

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