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Posts posted by KingLear14

  1. Apparently there was an article in the Yale paper about every graduate department having to conduct interviews? I don't know if it's actually happening. Out of curiosity, I noticed that you were applying to Chicago--did you hear from them? I saw a bunch of acceptances posted on their page (I mean, in this website)...

  2. Dear English Literature PhD applicants,

    I'm feeling quite at sea over this whole interview business, and I wondered if anyone out there could shed some much-needed light on a little question I've had tumbling around for a while.

    What's the deal with Stanford and Yale for their English Literature PhD programs? I've noticed that in past years Stanford posters have recorded getting interviews, but this year, none have cropped up thus far. What's going on? Have they already gone out?

    With Yale, it appears to be their first year including interviews in the application process, but, again, no one has recorded having one for the English program, though History, Art History, and other languages seem to have already notified for interviews. Again, has anyone heard anything?

    I'm feeling a bit stressed and immensely curious about this, so if anyone has any insight, it would be hugely appreciated!

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