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Julianne Pigoon

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Everything posted by Julianne Pigoon

  1. Emailed Sophia Canavos who got back within 15 minutes. Said I'd been accepted and packets are going out in the mail shortly. So it's definitely a possibility.
  2. Oh, Buffalo is the best place for me to be looking for housing because I'm partial to both 19th century homes and low prices. I've clicked on every three bedroom on Craiglist. If I get in I plan to email the current MA students to see what they have to say. I've heard great things about the English department, too, and I imagine in the long run I'd be happy with even an unfunded MA. Thanks so much for your encouragement.
  3. Just accepted to MA. No funding, of course, so I'm still considering other potentials.
  4. Thanks! Yes, most of them are terrifyingly intelligent. I know that there won't be any funding, but I'm still going to consider a hypothetical admission if partner is fully funded and I receive no other offers. In that case, the only thing that will keep me away from the program is an adversarial relationship between the MA and PhD students. I know that's a very real possibility for unfunded MAs.
  5. http://www.cmu.edu/h...tory/index.html Third and fifth paragraphs indicate it's a two semester or year long program. Thanks for the info.
  6. Hi. My bff partner friend boyfriend just got into the philosophy PhD program but we're unsure about funding. I might have more of a reason to go now if I am accepted to the MA. They were supposed to get back by "the end of February" pfffft. Anyone heard anything more about that?
  7. When it's happening it's easy to describe. Congrats, user_name. Were you notified via email or phone?
  8. :[ It should be this: https://gradweb.uoregon.edu/online_app/application/guidelines2.htm If there's no decision up, they just haven't decided on you yet.
  9. I haven't yet, but I'm pretty sure that's to be expected for March.
  10. Yeah, I think it's going to be a while yet for the MA decisions to go out.
  11. Really sorry, ekant. Oregon? More like BOREgon!
  12. Rejected. Good luck, all :]
  13. I know on Buffalo's website they log your last date of sign-in. No one is paying attention, though. Thanks, Jamie :]
  14. Congrats on your admit! One admit is better than no admit! Yee, I got dis. I can do this, I will do this, even if I have to literally glue my butt to a chair. Thank you for your confidence.
  15. You were waitlisted, user_name? There are no acceptances or rejections for the MA yet. MY FACE IS GOING TO FALL OFF MY FACE.
  16. I agree, it might be hard to take time off and then get back into this again. Even still, I feel like I need a break, mostly because my honors thesis is killing me. Six more years of this really might actually do it. The stress. CMU does seem really great. The people there seem so awesome. It's everything I could want out of a program. If it appeals to you and you don't get into Oregon, and neither my giving up my hypothetical spot nor genital dismemberment help, apply there next season fsho. Okay back to thesis x_x!
  17. ~90 pages for an undergrad thesis? Is that a requirement? My minimum is 35.
  18. I know absolutely nothing about Milton or the Renaissance, but as someone who has spent a great deal of time in Cambridge and Somerville, and also has lived not too far from Princeton in central Jersey: Go. To. Harvard.
  19. Well, I have a 2-and-a-half-year-old that I would prefer to be home with, for one. I'd like to reproduce more, and though I have faculty that are like "it's great to have newborns at dissertation stage! You set your own schedule!" the very thought of it makes me dizzy. I'm thinking about home-schooling because I'm the weird liberal opposite of most homeschoolers who don't want their kids exposed to the idea of not god and sex and whatever else. Socialists. Obama. Reality. Mostly I just take issue with public schooling as it is. I'm also a visual artist and a creative writer, and in choosing a major (I was initially an art major), I had to put other talents and interests aside to focus on my academic work. I never even took a creative writing class. The thought that I could take time to do art, write creatively, and give my kid(s) an arts-and-literature-based early experience is really appealing. I still, however, like the idea of CMU's funded year-long Master's, and I think CMU, as awesome as Oregon is, would be better for me in the long-run. They don't have a feeder program, per se, but it seems like it's an unspoken leg up as they have a few students of their small PhD cohort who were CMU MAs. I would seriously consider an offer, if I got one, from Oregon, but if I also got one from CMU, I'd rather go there, and give myself the opportunity to really think out all the timing and desire. Life, bro.
  20. Maggie Smith was born with angry googly eyes. *cyberfive*
  21. Yes, you do. I didn't know the meaning of writer's block until I started this project. What the fuck, man. Where does this come from. I'm the same way. It's been way more "stop" than "start," but I tend to get into something like a writing mood and will write all the things. Other times I would liken getting one word out to pulling one tooth out. What's schedule, precious? What's schedule, eh? Girl, you need to get yourself a less snotty advisor. Writing a thesis is punishment enough! My thesis is due in a month. Here I am.
  22. It's not entirely altruistic. I've been having second thoughts about starting a PhD program this year as this has been more a crusade than a desire. I'm really kind of hoping that I just get into CMU for Master's. There are some specific things I'd like to do other than school for six some odd years right now. I will eventually get my PhD, but if I do get into Oregon this season, I might just go rather than risk another season of rejections. If that implausible scenario plays out though, and I choose not to go, I'm serious that you can have my spot. Save your testicles, son.
  23. If I get in and you get waitlisted, ekant, you can have my spot. Unlikely as it is. I will email them and say "You give ekant my spot. No, I don't know his/her real name. Neither do I know his/her gender."
  24. Fuck yeah, Dowager Countess.
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