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Everything posted by binaryco

  1. I've been accepted to the program of my choice (U Waterloo). I had to defer my admissions due to family finances, but I'd be able to attend school within a year. I sent an email to my advisers & to admissions but I haven't received a response. Should I be able to defer my admissions a year? I received an RA-ship as well, so i'm not sure how it will affect funding. Within that year I'd work at a job similar to my field of interest, but attending graduate school is more important to me. I made that pretty clear in my request.
  2. I've heard better things about Waterloo as opposed to UBC for theory. It depends on the specialty you plan to do research in. In graphics Waterloo may not be the best choice, but in theory, I'd say Waterloo probably has a stronger department than UBC. I'd check with the professors at both schools and see which is the best fit. I wouldn't worry so much about arbitrary rankings.
  3. Talk to admissions, if they allow deferment then have a backup plan for funding. Ask admissions what the situation on funding is for deferment. It may work out so you'll be funded the year you join, but if not then maintain some sort of income in case your expenses aren't fully covered. That way you'll be able to cover some of your expenses and have some money to live on until you can get funded.
  4. Thanks for the reply! I sent you a private message asking you a few questions about Waterloo.
  5. Is anyone attending the grad visit day for Waterloo tomorrow? I was invited and couldn't attend due to my schedule. If so, please inform us in the thread of what occurred during the visit & the chances of our acceptances. I am hoping an invitation means a likely acceptance! I'm very interested in any information regarding the event.
  6. I was contacted by recruitment informing me that I had an interview with a professor to discuss my research interest. I was told to email the professor to remind them of my interview. I emailed the professor a few days ago (almost a week) and still haven't heard a reply back about my interview with them. Should I email recruitment back stating I emailed the professor and haven't heard a reply back? I know the professor is probably extremely busy, but I am eager to talk to them.
  7. Thus why I suggested that you should take the rankings with a grain of salt.
  8. US News & Report has such a list: http://www.usnews.com/education/worlds-best-universities-rankings/best-universities-computer-science Use these rankings with a grain of salt. Some schools are ranked higher or lower within certain sub-fields of CS.
  9. Thanks for the reply and perspective. I am unsure of whether or not I have been admitted to the program. I was invited to an invitation only visit where I would have had the opportunity to explore the research labs, talk to graduate students and talk to any professors of my choosing (there was no mention about interviews). The trip would have been fully funded, but I wasn't able to attend since it was in the middle of the week on such a short notice. I received an email that stated I had an interview with a professor after the fact that I couldn't attend. Based upon the initial email it is an interview to discuss my research interest. The professor and I seem to be a solid match, based upon the research he does. I was trying to get a feel for what I might ought to expect going in.
  10. I received an interview from a graduate school that is my top choice from a potential adviser. What kinds of questions can I be expected to be asked during the interview? What kinds of questions should I ask during the interview and how in depth should I be familiar with the papers that my potential adviser has published? It will be a phone interview. Also, what are the advisers looking for in potential applicants and what sort of metrics do you use to gauge you? Should I discuss previous research (even if it is unrelated to my research area)? Any other helpful or insightful advice is welcomed. Thanks!
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