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Everything posted by Jon1415

  1. Any other d-MEMP students out there?
  2. Accepted to Duke today!
  3. Congrats! For engineering management or construction management?
  4. Did you decide not to pursue Columbia?
  5. I think you should look into the individual courses for Duke's Civil Engineering MEMP concentration and compare it to the curriculum at Columbia. Which courses are better suited for your career aspirations? Columbia is Ivy - are you looking for that kind of label? Also, a pretty big factor - are you interested in living in a smaller college setting in NC, or are you looking for the busy city atmosphere in NYC? They are great schools... congratulations on getting admitted to both! If you're looking for statistics for Columbia MSCE graduates, I'd try contacting this guy (he was listed in the FAQ section on the program website): Who should I call or email for more specific information on the Construction Engineering and Management Program? Contact Julius Chang (jc1041@columbia.edu).
  6. I'd go with Duke - its associated with the other MEMPC schools which increases the value of your degree. I noticed you're in Construction Management - and there is a Civil Engineering concentration available within the MEM program in Durham.
  7. I got a 500 out of 800 for my SAT verbal back when I was in high school - I felt pretty embarrassed among my other friends who were scoring in the 600 and 700s. When I began tackling the GRE, I promised myself I would deliver on the Verbal Section. In December, I took a diagnostic GRE - and I scored somewhere in the 140s for my Verbal. Thats when I hit the vocabulary and practice tests hard. I used 3 vocabulary programs from the App Store to boost my vocab using my iPhone: * GRE Vocab Genius * Barron's GRE Vocabulary * Kaplan GRE Vocabulary I learned all of the Barron's and Kaplan GRE within 2 months. The Vocab Genius is a LOT of vocabulary; I couldn't finish it all but it did help a ton. I also purchased the Barron's GRE flashcards and used that to help me out. I also purchased the Barron's and Kaplan 2012 Revised GRE books. I read through, front to back and did all the practice tests - make sure you time yourself. Also - make sure to take the PowerPREP II practice test at ets.org/gre and see how you do there. The key is to practice over, and over, and over again. After three months of studying, I earned a 160 for my verbal score (86th percentile). I'm in engineering... so this was triumph for me. Best of luck!
  8. @fraek88 - Congratulations!
  9. Just submitted my application to Duke... crossing my fingers! I'll know if I'll be a Blue Devil on May 1st. Also completed my GRE this past weekend: Verbal: 160 (600) - 86% Quant: 158 (740) - 79%
  10. Congrats George! My app is going in next week, I should hear by May 1st.
  11. I'm applying 2nd or 3rd round, but I'm trying to get in the distance program. I'm working full-time in Oklahoma, so Durham is a little far for me.
  12. Thank you for your replies! @TiredWaiting - I think we're talking about two different 'MEM' programs. Are you looking at the Nicholas School for Environmental Management? I'm looking at the Pratt School of Engineering for Engineering Management. @George - Nice! Are you trying to do the distance or the on-campus program?
  13. Anyone applying to Duke's MEM program? Just curious how they have been assessing the new revised GRE scores. I am taking GRE exams in March and May.
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