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    Not Applicable
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    PhD Political Science; Fulbright ETA

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  1. Join the group!! http://www.facebook.com/groups/464734683542924/members/
  2. UPDATE: Alright, I deleted that group that wasn't working and created a new one. Here: http://www.facebook.com/groups/464734683542924/members/
  3. I made a Facebook group! Facebook is being weird though and is alternating between letting me edit the group and telling me I don't have access to the group because I'm not a member, even though I am a member because I'm the admin of the group. Frustrating. Anyway, here's the link to the group: http://www.facebook....6648277/photos/ It's for all Turkey grantees, ETA and Full. =)
  4. I'm sure most of you are gone from this board at this point, but I'm super excited that I got the Fulbright award!! And then I'm probably going to still do the Master's at SOAS the next year, so I won't be reapplying right away. Good luck to all of you!!
  5. ^^ I know what you mean about being conflicted. I'm 95% sure I'm taking it. I just got so excited about my Master's program that it's hard to defer it for a year now. But Turkey will be an incredibly rewarding experience and I'm excited to go back. We should make a Facebook group like the other countries did. =)
  6. 11:14 AM EST: Selected for a Fulbright to Turkey!!!!
  7. It would be a really nice graduation present if we could find out this week. It's my college's senior week right now, so we have the entire week to do whatever we want until graduation. Which is terrible because I'm just sitting in front of my laptop refreshing my email, or checking my email on my phone constantly. I WANT TO CELEBRATE (or if I don't get it, then I want to drown my sorrows and move on).
  8. Yeah, I was debating between Jordan and Turkey. Settled on Turkey, but now wish I had applied to Jordan just so that I would have heard back by now.
  9. COME ON, TURKEY!!! So impatient.
  10. Anyone want to bet on us being the absolute last people to hear? Wait. That's a terrible idea. Can we just hear, puhleeeease? I almost wish I applied to a country that notoriously notifies candidates much earlier on; but then, of course, I wouldn't be going where I want to go, or even to a place relevant to my studies.
  11. I have this (false) idea in my head that final approval shouldn't take very long. Just imagining the Board saying, "Yep! All looks well!" and then they stamp the seal of approval, and some poor secretary-type employee sends out the mass emails of acceptances, rejections, and alternate notifications. Wouldn't that be nice? =P
  12. I just reread the post by the current ETA there. I'm well aware of the "non-Western" concept of time. I misread what the current ETA grantee had said. I thought I remembered him saying that our apps were passed on for final approval, like by the Fulbright Board in the US. But that's not what he said. *Sigh* =(
  13. I thought a current ETA grant just said a few pages back that our applications have been sent onto the final round early last week or so. How could it possibly take another month? This is unfair. We've been waiting for more than 6 months!
  14. lolololol. How sad.
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