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Posts posted by ksalt

  1. I say, give it a try. The fact that you realize all these things about yourself and about grad school means you are probably more mature than you think you are. Also, you don't want to be asking "what if I had went to Michigan?" for the rest of your life. You have an amazing opportunity! Sure, it's terrifying, but imagine all the future benefits it will bring to you!!

  2. Figure out what your weaknesses in the verbal section are... I would suggest getting a book with a bunch of practice problems and tests and just working through them. You can also focus on learning latin root words and suffixes/prefixes if vocab is your weakness. 3 months should be plenty of time if you lay out a block of time to study each week.

    Good luck!

  3. I don't think you need to worry. If they're looking to take on new students, I'm sure they are going to pull for you to be admitted. If you mentioned that you were in correspondence with them on your app, I would think the committee would take that into consideration...

  4. If I were you, I would definitely tell them. Especially since this professor has been helping you out a lot. It's better to have them hear something like that from you than through the academic grapevine. If/when you encounter the professor in the future, I'm sure it will be one hundred times less awkward if you don't end your communication on negative terms like that. Plus, it just shows personal maturity and consideration for that professor, even if you don't want to study in their program anymore.

  5. I don't know anything about how aerospace programs work, but I was always told that the name of the school from which you earn a graduate degree isn't as important as the quality and type of work you do as a graduate student. With that being said, maybe you should just go for a lesser known school and try to continue working hard (as it sounds like you already are).

  6. I just found out that I've been selected to visit a school I've applied to during a departmental conference. Both my flight and hotel are being paid for by the program, but I haven't been accepted yet. There was no mention of interview, just a visit.. Is this good news, or will I still have to beat out a lot of other candidates? (I'm a master's student, not a PhD, btw.) I know I still need to make a good impression, I'm just trying to figure how on top of my game I'll need to be during my visit.

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