Lol So what I'm getting from this thread is even if I do get in some place, just one place, I'll still stress out worrying about the others. And if I get into more than one, I'll stress out about which to choose.
So basically... stress. And more stress. Stress stress stress. Faaaaaaaaaaaaaantastic.
p.s. Seriously though, congrats to recent acceptance winners
I second Silent_G's comment. I wasn't really stressing out until this week. Today I pop in here, see people getting accepted, congratulate them, and end up feeling better overall. Why does that make me feel better? I have no idea. But if whenever I feel stressed out I can just jump in here, congratulate the latest acceptance winners, and everything will be peachy again, I'll take it
That's a reassuring post, TripWillis. I see three acceptances so far for you and you attribute it much more to, likely, the strength of your writing sample and SOP. I have not been accepted anywhere as of yet, but I put a LOT of effort into those two aspects of my application and if I get shutout... at least I can live with knowing I did my best on that which was directly under my control.
Congrats, by the way! I've been lurking for months. It's good to see you staples of the forum having some ships come in
Oh, bless you both TripWillis and Timshel. My subject was a 550. I studied quite a bit for it too, even printed out a binder full of notes and read it all more than once, but I knew it was going to be rough. I took the test on a Saturday in California. The day before the test I was in New York at CUNY Grad Center for a conference. ETS wouldn't let me change the test location so I had to fly back that Friday night, all the way across the country, for this stupid thing. It was my first time visiting the East Coast too. I was there for a whopping two days. Thank you, ETS!