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  1. Another one bites the dust in A3 ... just received my envelope. Maybe next year ... Good luck all!
  2. Oh no! So sorry, FarmerMom. I hope you got some helpful reviews at least.
  3. @ FunkySoFresh - Was it a panel review or the three?
  4. Sorry to hear that, FunkySoFresh. I heard the mailman drop the mail in the box and it sounded so loud - just a credit card statement. Never been so happy to get my credit card statement ...
  5. Thanks!
  6. @mountaingirl - did you tell them who you were when you called by any chance. @funkysofresh - not necessarily - that was just a theory someone had last year - not sure it means anything at all - but maybe I'm just saying that because I'm a G!
  7. Thanks, mountaingirl. Congrats again!!!
  8. Mountaingirl - what is the first letter of your last name? In the past people have thought they were calling awardees by last name.
  9. Congratulations, mountaingirl! Hope you have a chance to celebrate this weekend!
  10. According to the posts, last year it was mostly in the week before Memorial Day because the deadline got extended to May 31. It certainly seems like there are a lot less people using this thread than there were last year.
  11. Don't give up hope - plenty of people posted on here last year as soon as they heard. I find it unusual that no one has posted here yet even the slightest hint that they have heard anything positive.
  12. Who else is waiting still???
  13. Another day of mail, another day of waiting. No news yet in A3 on the east coast. Website says we'll hear by May 1 if we received an award, but considering past years I'm not going to hold my breath. Any news from anyone today???
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