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Posts posted by 3point14

  1. I was wondering if it would be considered to be appropiate for me to send an email asking about my status/when a decision will be made.

    I could be wrong here, but I don't think it would hurt to inquire about application status as well as express your interest in going to visit the school(s). I interviewed at one of my schools because I had been in e-mail contact with my POI, told him I was interested in visiting the school, and we arranged a time for me to come up. I had contacted him about a month prior and ended up actually having my interview the day applications were due.

  2. You don't want to over-emphasize it, but most academics are fairly pragmatic, and there are a lot more double-academic relationships than you might think, and I've found people to be pretty understanding of that. It's one of the reasons spousal hires are still relatively common- most programs realize that having both people in a relationship at the same institution increases both of their chances- they aren't fighting a long-distance relationship, and they have something extra to "tie" them to the institution.

    Hm, well maybe I will bring him up if it seems like I would be lying to not mention it.

  3. So I have an interview weekend coming up at my top choice school. If they ask the question, "why are you interested in our program" or some variation of that, I have a number of good reasons why it would be a good match. However, this also happens to be the school my boyfriend is attending. He is not the reason I like the school, but it's certainly a plus. Should I mention him or just not bring it up?

  4. I have an interview weekend coming up next week, no clue if group interviews are actually part of this, but I want to be prepared just in case. So, what types of questions are asked in group interviews? Typical interview questions? Also, do they typically ask questions to each candidate individually or as a whole? If as a whole, how do I distinguish myself and make myself memorable without being obnoxious or blocking out others?

  5. Ah! I'm doing this right now.

    I got an offer from a school with a March 20th deadline, but I'm not visiting my number 1 choice until March 23rd. I first emailed the first school to ask for more time (they extended the deadline to April 9).

    But now I'm in the process of contacting my number 1 choice. They're flying me out for a visit, but haven't given me an answer about my acceptance. I'd like to know soon, because my significant other has an opportunity to take a job in the same town, and has to give an answer very soon.

    Ah! I'm not sure what to make of the visit invitation without an offer (and it's not a visitation weekend, just me)

    That's really exciting for you. The fact that it's only you seems like it's a good sign. I am in something of a similar situation. I'm interviewing with my top choice program (which also happens to be where my significant other is in grad school) exactly a week before I have to let this other school know whether or not I'm attending. I guess that will be something to bring up in the interview. Best of luck to you!

  6. I have recently been accepted into a program that has given me until the last week of March to let them know whether or not I'm attending. However, I am still waiting to hear back from one of my top choice schools. I had contacted the Assistant to Chair and Research and Graduate Studies (listed as the person to contact about graduate applications) in early February, and she said she hoped decisions would be made by the end of the month. I realize at this point I'm probably either rejected or at best waitlisted, but would it be too pushy to ask for an update? And if so, should I contact the same person or the POI with whom I interviewed?

  7. My question: would I be CRAZY to turn down the top 15 programs for school x? Also, should this potential relationship have ANY type of influence on my final decision? I feel like I'd be crazy to let it impact my ultimate choice even in the slightest. But eh, just thought I'd ask. What do you all think? Feel free to let me know if any other information might be helpful

    Personally, I wouldn't want to turn down a top tier university for a pretty short term relationship. However, this is of course your choice. If you do go to school x and end up staying with this girl long term, are you going to regret your decision and/or resent her? Just something to think about.

  8. I think if there is more than one POI who you're really interested in it's ok to contact them both. Just make sure you let them know which other POI you've contacted. I did the same thing and they talked to each other and arranged for me to come up and talk with them on a day when they were both free

  9. I definitely understand how you feel. My boyfriend and I did long distance for a year while he started his grad program and I began my application process. I applied to school, but we recently broke up because I didn't get in. We discussed it, and decided that, regardless of how we felt, we just couldn't keep up a relationship over such a long distance for ~5 years. Then last week I got a phone call letting me know that I'm invited to their interview weekend, so...no idea what will happen now.

  10. Still painfully waiting to hear from BC's Masters program in Behavioral Neuroscience and WFU's Masters programs in General Psych.

    Doesn't seem to be any postings on the results page either

    Anyone know if either program interviews for their Masters programs? Or is straight accept/reject. Would prefer some kind of interview to be honest.

    Unfortunately, I can't help you at all, but I did undergrad (and some undergrad research) at WFU and am curious about who your POI is (if you don't mind sharing)

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