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Everything posted by GodzillaGrad

  1. Got my rejection today as well. Was my top choice.
  2. If they went out yesterday that means it's probably sitting in my mail box today (I live in central NY state). Well . . . that's going to be a long walk to the mailbox. EDIT: And nothing. The waiting continues . . .
  3. This. My second season so far has resulted in 8 rejections, 1 implicit rejection, and me waiting on 3 schools (one of which is notorious for unfunded PhDs). I honestly do not know what to do with myself for another year or if I can stomach another application season. I'm starting another list of schools for 2013 as I feel my "fitness" was a bit off at some of my schools to give my idle mind some stimulation (I can't even distract with schoolwork as I'm waiting for my final formatting notes from my department approved master's thesis). Ugh. I'm going to try to use it as motivation. Tear through some theory. Apply to all the conferences I can find. But, it just feels hopeless . . .
  4. I also called and she said that notifications should be out by the end of next week as well. Didn't hear (well, nor did I ask) about the first round of letters. So . . . here's for another crazy anxious week?
  5. Yeah. I agree. I've had 7 so far (to clarify, the 2 I referenced were just this afternoon's joyous surprise), so I'm catching up? Race to the top of the bottom? I'll call tomorrow as well. I'm yet to call, so I feel I owe the department at least one before the inevitable letter in the mail.
  6. Oh no. This news on top of two rejections (albeit, I saw these two coming) is not good. Probably going to call tomorrow (I'm yet to call) and talk to the graduate secretary in hopes that the person today was wrong and that the "first round" was actually just one fellowship . . . I guess I can dream, no?
  7. This. I'm still waiting on 6 schools, 4 of which have already posted some rejections/acceptances. I can not imagine waiting through yet another weekend if I am not notified this week. At least with checking the mailbox/email there is some agency in the process, just sitting around Saturday/Sunday is truly disheartening. Seriously schools, just accept me already. I'll bake you cookies?
  8. Nothing for me, also in central NY so I assume I'd be one of the first to know if it's through snail mail . . . however that was not the case with Buffalo so . . . it's all up in the air.
  9. And the same here. Big, fat nothing.
  10. Oh, also shoot me any question if you decide on FSU . . . well area questions. I'm not that familiar with the department, but if you need to know anything about Tally let me know.
  11. Maybe not. A waitlist just went up . . .
  12. And the same back to you. And woot for both into Rochester, eh? Especially due to different specializations (I'm focusing on 20th century American lit/film primarily).
  13. I hear that. Second season. Snuck a quick peak at the phone between customers at the bank I also work at only to misread an email and thought I got into the school in the city I currently live in. The heights and depths of that emotional swing as I realized it said "not recommend" were enough to literally take my breath away. All of which compounded by the fact that if I got into this particular school I would be able to continue to live with my partner. Jerk smartphones and small, deceptive fonts.
  14. I agree on all accounts, especially the last section. I've begun planning a third season of apps in an attempt to motivate past the shame of asking professors for letters a third time . . . and I'm still waiting on 5 schools (two of which are great, great fits and one of which is my top choice: Rochester). I'm a neurotic mess after going 0/5 so far this round and 1/10 (an unfunded) last round. I mean, the first round was good schools but not good fits . . . but . . . damn.
  15. Now that I know there are at least two of us waiting still, it's even more odd. The likelihood of an error in notifying two candidates is slim, but also the likelihood of acceptance is slimmer (according to the results board their "meet and greet" type weekend is March 9th-10th . . . very small margin if still accepting at this point). So it's just odd. Even historically they've sent out all rejections by this point. This is all compounded by the fact that Delaware is said to predominantly favor MAs from Delaware rather than those from outside Delaware for their PhD program . . . Blarg. This process is ripe for hypothetical scenarios.
  16. I think this will be my plan if I for my upcoming year if I do not get an offer; however, with the strict certification requirements of my state even with my MA I cannot teach at public schools . . . and I can't bring myself to get certified for what hopes to be only a year commitment. Perhaps private schools are the way to go . . . where are these jobs posted btw?
  17. Ah, interesting. I also applied to Pitt (rejected, alas was one of my dream schools), Syracuse (rejected, Street and Smith archive?!), Buffalo (rejected), Northeastern (pending), and Rochester (pending, also a dream school). I'm personally interested in 20th century American periodicals as a form of popular modernism; the marketing dynamics and "selling" of High Modernist ideals to literary critics and the academy; hardboiled crime fiction, film noir, neo-noir as political-economic commentary (and sites of popular cultural resistance to capitalist logic); Marxism, postcolonial theory, globialization, and popular neoliberalist discourse. So not much of the same in there, but interesting that we share many of the same programs! Good luck!
  18. Our lists are very similar, what is your area of interest?
  19. I'm still waiting on 5 of 11 . . . so I feel you somewhat. If I apply again next season (would be my third) it would be a huge application packet. Kind of, go out with a bang? I'd apply to any program that seems to fit, even if it's clearly a "reach" school for my current portfolio, and apply to programs I previously excluded do to a lack of a perceived job market after graduation (because, at least a PhD from an unknown university is better than my current MA from an unknown university). I'd also email professors at each school (something I've yet to do in either this or the previous season) and attempt to visit programs close to my current location to see if the "fit" was there and to gauge interest from the department, as I've been told I'm much better in person than I appear on paper. So there's that. Also, I'd also consider a second MA and apply to one or two programs that fit in my field of study, as the more class would distance me from my terrible undergraduate years and only improve my application going forward. Moral of the story: Don't give up after two years. No plan B's unless they are only temporary with the goal still on plan A. Take a year or two off to build a resume up with a "real job" if needed, but don't throw in the towel.
  20. Has anyone else still not heard anything from Delaware? . . . or is it just me in limbo.
  21. Same to you. As for hearing something in 2 weeks: I sure hope so. The anxiety is killing me as I'm waiting on several of my best "fit" programs. There is only so much wine in the world and I can no longer distract myself with my completed thesis (is it odd that I actually miss it now that I'm done?).
  22. I giggled when I read this . . . perfect response. Have you seen the "potential" upcoming course selections? I have to say, very excited (and tentatively planned my courses for the next year . . . if I'm accepted. Big if.).
  23. I haven't seen anything on the board as of yet . . .
  24. Or perhaps a fellowship, those folks always get early notices (or so I'm telling myself).
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