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Everything posted by VicariouslyWaiting

  1. As a student here at ASU who also recently applied for an MS I can tell you that they're pretty darn slow about the master's admissions. They have a tendency to accept students on a rolling basis and things are sort of a mess here for the time being (many changes happening). Bearing this in mind, I would just stay calm.
  2. Thanks for all of your replies guys. I'm not sure how to take your info though. Today is February 28 and everything is still dead silent. I checked out the results page and a bunch of rejections were handed out...but I've still heard nothing. All I know for sure is the silence is killing me.
  3. I can empathize completely OP. The wait isn't easy, but if it makes you feel any better UCSD rejected me a while back and FAST. It was as informal as rejections come. SO if you're in the running for this long, don't lose hope. Stay positive. I'm sure something good will come your way. Don't worry about doing the chinese food/praying thing. Even the most rational people become neurotic nincompoops during the applications process. I have a feeling something good will come your way. Hang in there
  4. Thanks for your replies guys. It makes me feel a bit better that I'm not the only one sweating it big time. I've already received four rejections and truly it feels as if though my last hopes are riding on UC Irvine. I have a masters program to fall back on, but still...increased debt and adding two years total to the entire Ph.D earning experience doesn't sound so great. Its just a big feeling of desperation and a fear of the unknown I suppose...
  5. So its nearing the end of February and still...no word. My application status still reads as "under review." So I've gotta ask...is there any chance that I could still hear something in the first two weeks of March? I know panicking is sort of the standard around here and my case isn't exactly special...but I'd love to hear something from anyone who knows. Regardless of whether the words are a mercy killing or words of encouragement, I'll take anything at this point. UCI kids or people who have received acceptance here before please help me out!
  6. Hey guys, So I read a bit on another post about silence...and what it means or doesn't mean according to various posters. I've been rejected at various other UC schools and without exaggerating, all my hope is riding on UC Irvine at this point. So my question is...if I haven't heard from them by now should I just give up hope and start planning what I'm going to be doing for the next year? I applied for psychology with a concentration in cognitive neuroscience. Thanks in advance for any help or info you may be able to provide. I'm also curious as to whether anyone else in this concentration has heard anything (not seeing anything in the results section). Thanks again! -VicariouslyWaiting
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