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Everything posted by orb_cz

  1. I'll also be there.
  2. This was also a concern of mine when I was choosing where to apply to. I basically just applied to places with faculty that shared by theoretical interests and cut out a couple of places where I couldn't see myself living for 5+ years. Having worked with people in the past who fought me on my approach, it is something I want to avoid in doing a PhD.
  3. No, I'm afraid not. Email just said that I had been admitted. The department website does say, however, that not all decisions are made at once.
  4. My status changed on the 28th after getting my official letter by email on the evening of the 27th. I heard from my POI on the 26th that I had been admitted.
  5. I only applied to six and only to places that actually interested me. With my interests I don't think I could've applied many more, at least in the US, that would've made sense fit-wise.
  6. I also heard about my acceptance directly from my POI, who reached out to me. So I agree with ultraultra: don't worry about it too much just yet.
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