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Everything posted by MGrubs

  1. I just confirmed my enrollment at Duke on the website, I wish I had seen that post a few minutes earlier! I received 15k though, so i doubt they would increase that. I haven't paid my deposit, but do you think its too late to ask?
  2. Just got the acceptance from UCSB through an email from Bren, no word on funding yet
  3. I talked to Sue Smith from admissions yesterday, and she said it is perfectly fine to take courses and mix up the concentrations. I am in the ESC right now, but thinking about switching to EE, or combining them and she said that's not a problem at all. I'm not sure if you still have to take all the requirements for one, or if you can merge them though. There is at least some flexibility in taking some of each. I have a track meet at Duke and will be there the next three days, so I will post any additional information that I receive when I visit. I will probably confirm my enrollment after my visit if it goes well. I am still waiting on UCSB, but they said it still could be a few weeks, and I am just sick and tired of waiting.
  4. I just got the same email...
  5. Nothing! It's frustrating!
  6. MCRM, still nothing! I'll let you know whenever I find out.
  7. Hey MCRM, Still haven't heard anything from Duke, but they said it should be updated sometime in the beginning of this week. Hopefully it is soon!
  8. I thought about it, but the application was due right in the middle of finals, so I never ended up doing them
  9. I got the letter this morning as well, accepted to Michigan
  10. Got into Duke! I received an email about coming to admitted students day, and i hadn't received confirmation I was admitted yet. Apparently there was a family emergency with the Director of Admissions and he was unable to put it on applyyourself yet, but they responded saying i was in! So pumped. They told me they would be updated next Monday, so others might be waiting until then as well.
  11. Schools Applied To: Yale (MEM), Duke (MEM), UCSB (MEM), Michigan (environmental policy), and Vermont Law School (MELP) Schools Accepted To: Undergraduate Institution: University of Vermont Undergraduate GPA: 3.82 Undergraduate Major: Environmental Studies GRE Quantitative Score: 161 GRE Verbal Score: 152 GRE AW Score: 4.5 Years Out of Undergrad (if applicable): 0 Years of Work Experience: 0 Describe Relevant Work Experience: I had a couple internships, one at the vermont state house with a legislator, one researching funding and policies for anaerobic digesters, and finally one with a land trust looking into endangered species and management. Strength of SOP (be honest, describe the process, etc): Seemed like a pretty solid SOP Strength of LOR (be honest, describe the process, etc): 3 professors, one a duke alum and one a yale alum, so hopefully that help me out Still havent heard anything, good luck everyone!
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