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Snow Fox

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    PhD, Political Science

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Decaf (2/10)



  1. I second this; I just checked my status on the online portal, and it still reads "A decision has not yet been made." Their program gets enough applications that there should be way more than just one Grad Cafe patron getting in, so I think there's plenty of hope here!
  2. I still haven't heard anything at all from Notre Dame, so I certainly hope there are more waitlist opportunities! XD It'd be the best news of my season given the results so far; I'd probably throw myself a little waitlist party and everything.
  3. Received an official rejection letter from Northeastern just now, so for those of you who may be waiting to hear from them, their decisions are apparently going out. I'm getting annihilated this season; I can't even manage to wiggle into a waitlist so far XD ...Which is kind of a terrifying precedent, so I hope at least one of my other outstanding applications upsets it!
  4. I haven't seen anything from Brown on my end either; That one acceptance went out last Thursday, so I'd assume that we'll hear something soon. The rest of us are probably still jockeying for position in the applications stack.
  5. I still have half of my season to play out, so I know that I'll be certainly sticking around for the foreseeable future. Hopefully with good news to pop in with at points as well! XD
  6. Speaking as someone who is only a few weeks away from finishing their M.A., having one in my arsenal certainly gave me more confidence to apply for several tip-top programs. That being said, as we can see in my rejection scorecard, I haven't been accepted to any PhD programs yet either XD While there are certainly a bunch of things that we have control over that can be tweaked/improved to help with application competitiveness (M.A.'s, high GRE's/GPA, research experience, publications, etc), there's also a bunch of things we have zero power over. This includes who will be on the ad-com (and what application aspects they will value over other components), what advisers are free to take on more students, available funding for taking on new crops of PhD students that could change from year to year (There was a History program, I think at Madison, that so many accepted students actually took their offers on that they just couldn't take any new PhD students the next cycle), as well as numerous other situations. I didn't apply to Cornell myself (not a good fit for me), but it's certainly a very strong program to get into during a very competitive season - and there's no way to tell if next season won't be even more competitive XD
  7. Congrats! Given the number of schools you have on deck, you'll probably even pick up a few more options before all this is over
  8. I think this is the right way to go about things; I've never been a fan of the whole "this is where you are supposed to go if you get in" outlook. There are plenty of solid personal reasons to forge a path that doesn't lead to Harvard and such (as you said, NYU was your dream program in your dream city), and at the end of the day we're talking about a process that basically results in us all needing to pick new homes for the next half-decade or so. So there's every reason for you to want to ensure you're just as happy where you are living as you are with the actual school you chose to attend.
  9. Wowzers, the "politic*" search on the result survey is turning up 106 results so far from today alone... I'll keep hoping for the best for everyone; they've already gotten our application fees, so we have nothing else to lose!
  10. Aaaand there's my (expected) Yale rejection. While it's certainly depressing I didn't make it, I know it's also hyper-competitive to get into, so definite congrats to those who did! I still have five applications waiting in the wings, so while I might be currently shot down from four, at least I can tell myself it's not yet a majority XD
  11. Here's hoping for the two of us XD I woke up this morning and recieved my official UPenn rejection letter, so I'm still maintaining a perfect batting average of complete misses; it'd be nice to hear something positive from one of my schools...
  12. I'll be here for a while as well; I've got six more applications to hear results on. Many had later deadlines, so I'd expect word on them won't be final for a few more weeks. ...So, if anything, my season is probably only just getting started XD [i've also just recieved my official Princeton rejection email as well; I figure I should collect my letters and turn them into some kind of art project when this is all over]
  13. I imagine we probably have at least another week, if not two, before Brown starts sending anything; they historically have sent desicions early-to-mid March. Add in how out of whack this season has been compared to others, and it might be even longer. However, I'd like to think that the ad-coms would want to at least get their desicions out the door by Spring Break, so they wouldn't have to come back to the apps afterwards?
  14. Hmm, well, I left for a few hours and I have no new emails, so I have to assume at this point that I'm out of the running for Princeton. I can't feel too down about it though, because of how hyper-competitive it is XD Congrats to everyone that got in, as well as to those who can now conclude their seasons and figure out what their next step is! I've still got a spread of other schools coming up (half of my applications had January 15th or Februrary 1st deadlines), so I've got enough pending results in the pipeline that I'm not in panic mode; All I really need is for one school to say yes to my request to dance with them.
  15. ...More Princeton's showing up in the survery.... Until someone actually claims something from Princeton (Acceptances, Rejections, or otherwise), I'm not trusting it XD
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