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Posts posted by mswhopeful2012

  1. Thanks! I shall continue to wait and APPEAR to be patient :)

    I know the feeling! I feel this back and forth tug! Last night I had a dream I didn't get accepted which was terrifying, lol and then I had a dream I did get accepted, whih of course was ruined by waking up and realizing I probably won't hear any news today... I think this is slightly making me OCD on the email checking, lol!

  2. It is infuriating, but you NEVER know what someone has put into their application, and has given the schools to review. Maybe not the best GPA, but maybe their personal statement showed something you can't see.

    I'm just saying, before lashing out about how superior you are to other people on the site, you should realize that there is ALWAYS more to someone than just what their stats say, and unless you read their application, you cannot make judgments as to whether you should have gotten in over them. Realize that people with the lower GPA's that got in are reading what you're writing, when you're saying is that they didn't deserve it because you haven't gotten in.

    Well said! I agree that there is always more to someone than statistics. My GPA in undergrad wasn't great. So by that token you think I shouldn't be accepted. But what you wouldn't know is I worked almost full time hours, went to school full time, volunteered weekly, was involved in multiple clubs on campus, and had medical issues. In my perspective, I think that I was able to overcome a lot and accomplish a lot.

    It sounds like you have a chip on your shoulder an although I can understand that you accomplished a lot as well, part of being a social worker is having the desire to help vulnerable individuals in society. Your "I'm better than everyone attitude" isn't conducive to that sort of helping profession when you will have many long nights with little thanks.

    Perhaps you should ask yourself how you can grow and what others have to offer you I terms of life experience and wisdom.

    Good luck!

  3. I feel a little weird putting all the numbers on the internet, but basically I had a GPA a little higher than the median, high writing/ verbal GRE, lower quant GRE. Undergrad in psychology from a moderately high ranked liberal arts college. I had 4 LoR - two strong letters from professors who know me well, two from supervisors. I spent a lot of time on my application essays, which I made longer than the cut off, and I was sure to include a lot of suggestions from Melanie that I got when I met with her (highlight my interest in child development, Spanish-speaking populations, the purposeful switch from psych to social work, interest in poverty as a risk factor, etc.).

    I will say what I was most concerned about was experience - I only graduated from undergrad in 2010. I have one year as an Americorps volunteer/ intervention specialist in an elementary school doing various social and academic interventions (anti-bullying curriculum, small groups, etc), and this year I am working as a behavioral therapist for children with autism. I highlighted other past experiences as well, such as being an RA in undergrad, working in a deaf preschool, and volunteer work. I also highlighted significant academic experiences, such as research, a class in poverty and child development that affected me strongly, and my undergrad thesis (prejudice reduction in children). So for all of you fretting on not having multiple years of being a case worker, I still got in!

    Something Melanie said that stuck with me - the people reading are professors, so at the very least, academics are appreciated by them from the perspective of who they want to have as a student. I really tried to highlight why I would be a passionate, committed student, as well as future professional.

    Good luck everyone!

    Thanks for sharing!

  4. Haha thanks for the link! Yeah, the wait is killing me. I forgot where I read it, but someone mentioned that we're suppose to hear within the first two weeks of March, so the latest March 16th (if you don't count the first two days of March)?

    If so, it's definitely nice having SOME kind of timeline/deadline. There are other schools where I have heard NOTHING from and have no freakin' clue when they're going to respond :(

    Yea, it doesn't help that this is a "slow season" at work either! Actually I'm less anxious now, I've resigned to "the decision won't change and when I find out wont change, so no need to constantly check"..... I'm also in a different spot because I strategically put my applications in on dates where I knew I wouldn't hear back before hearing back from UCB, so I don't have any added stress of other schools wanting me to make a decision. That definitely helps too.

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