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Everything posted by AZAS

  1. Do contact them. I works sometimes. be honest some school likes it. So, my suggestion is: Do it!
  2. Good new for those who are on wait-list for Brooklyn College, Pratt, city College and Stony brook: I declined all.
  3. so you decided to decline it. Best luck Noceh.
  4. Thank you for your respond, I decided to go for NYU... Best luck for you all.
  5. Brooklyn College or NYU? Any thought?!
  6. Good news: I gonna decline BC offer. Although it is a VERY good school.
  7. Congratulation to everybody who got into the programs they like. And to those who have not been accepted, dont lose hope, you may have something better later. Thank you everybody who have been active in this forum. I am international and I was not confidence to write in English, so I was not active that much, but I checked the forum everyday and it makes me feel better to read all your encouraging posts. Thank you all. PS: I am on Wait-list on SVA. Accepted to NYU, Pratt, and Brooklyn College. Not sure which one is better, NYU or Brooklyn College? Any Thought would be appreciated. Best luck you all
  8. I just shoot them an email... I heard that New Genres is the last program you will hear about.
  9. It's more than 100K but at the info session, they told that big chunk of the tuition will be paid through different kind of scholarships.
  10. Wow! You nailed it! Congrats. All are great. Which one do you like better?
  11. Thank you Itsem It's frustrating... :-I
  12. Interview with Pratt..................................................mid April Interview with NYU......................................coming weekend Hunter................................................................... Rejected SVA, Brooklyn College, City College, Columbia..... No Word ......................................Sigh................................................
  13. They (NYU) will be interviewing candidates on Thursday, March 22; Friday, March 23; and Monday, March 26
  14. Got an interview with NYU, Best luck for everybody
  15. I know Columbia look not just to the portfolio but the statement and "life experience"! It is exactly the world was used at info session. So it is not about just "what are you doing" but also "who you are" I guess.
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