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Everything posted by GuateAmfeminist

  1. I hope you were quoting the new Muppets movie because that is my new favorite movie. Who doesn't love Rowlf the dog? EDIT: sorry, I was so excited that I messed up
  2. Definitely read it - I couldn't put it down and I know that I will go back to it several times during my grad career.
  3. How will any of us GF'ers who are UT-bound know you? Will you look anything like Marlowe the dramatist... Personally, I look very little like a volcano.
  4. I can't really help you on this - but I wanted to say that I LOVE The Little Prince, and thus, your avatar. I still read that book (I first read it in 3rd grade) and feel so deeply touched each time.
  5. Don't take this process as a sign of any personal failings - to even attempt the process of grad school apps and to be waitlisted, you need to be an incredibly intelligent person. If you're still here, you must stil have a chance. We're rooting for you. I know it's hard to keep positive but don't put yourself down.
  6. when did you last write? It is the 18th and it's only fair for them to give you an idea of when you will or won't know. Do they go by the national deadline of April 15th? If so, then they should have something to tell you. If not, it only seems courteous. That's just my 2 cents.
  7. I am not sure if we only take grad classes or if we also take undergrad classes? For the grad classes, these are the classes I am interested in just from descriptions: World Literature and Globalism: Theory and Practice (think how cool it would be to use this to design a class!) British Cultural Studies, Lit and Film Chaucer Criticism and Theory (though I bet I'd need to brush up on Middle English) Victorian Triple Decker (after teaching and thoroughly enjoying A Tale of Two Cities this year, I have grown to like Victorian lit more) Borderland Narratives: The 1st Century Modernism and Its Discontents Black Subjectivity Orietalism and Imperialism Thoeries of Race and Ethnicity (though I wish it had more detail!)
  8. you are not alone :-) I love too many of them.
  9. Officially a Longhorn! UT-Austin for Ph.D in English for the Third World and Ethnic Literature program. I am so happy
  10. Yes indeed, my SO and I both got into UT-A! We have been so lucky. The situation was reversed for us when we applied for TFA in the same region - I was accepted on 1st deadline and my SO didn't find out until May. So I guess it was karma that I had to feel the anxiety that he did, haha. Also, love your interpretation of the sunglasses, haha.
  11. I am so excited that we get to meet and to be part of the same cohort! Wow, I am Cloud 9 today! Yay, Thunderpaws!!!!!!
  12. Thanks! I am wishing so hard for Thunderpaws!
  13. I've been on gradcafe while my students are working on their Shakespearean plays about the 21st century. No judgement here. P.S. - one of my students decided to make their script include aliens trying to find corndogs at the Sonic. Here is a line: Alien: Prithee, give us corndogs anon!
  14. I'm in! UT-A hurray! It looks like I'm gonna be a Longhorn... I want to call and make sure about the funding (they said full funding, but right now I feel like I'm dreaming!)
  15. I woke up to lovely news - in off the waitlist for UT-Austin! They said I'm getting the full funding package. So excited!
  16. This is how I feel about UT-Austion right now (approximately)
  17. Yeah!!!!! I'm so happy for you Thunderpaws! I hope Lesser sends me something soon..... I'm so jealous! Did he give any idea of a day you might know by?
  18. I bet that dog would get into grad school. What skills!
  19. My interests are "postcolonial" - Latin America and literature/memoirs by immigrants particularly. Not a huge Brit lit person - I do like Woolf and I am also interested in Caribbean authors from islands that used to be/are closely tied to Britain through colonization.
  20. The 15th is only 8 days away! It seemed like that day would never come but it's almost here! I hope all of us waitlisters hear good news. I'm rooting for all of you!
  21. How was the visit to UT-A, admittees?
  22. Why is MIT on there before UT-Austin? When I checked MIT's website, they don't even have a master's or Ph.D program in English (or Literature, as their department is called)...
  23. Yes, I am going to visit both - I definitely want to see how they differ. I'm not sure if I'll get off of the wait list at UT-A but I do want to see if I have a good feeling about both. It'll be a lot of driving in 1 day but I'm sure it'll be worth it.
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