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Everything posted by CarolineSC

  1. I'm about 2/3 of the way done with my undergraduate thesis. I've got about 30 pages left to write and then polish. Mine's on cross-dressing in 19th-Century American Women's writing... lots and lots of Judith Butler. I've had a good time writing it, but it's been really hard. Thank God I have the greatest thesis advisor ever. I hope it helps make my MA thesis a little easier.
  2. Also - does anyone know why the MA/PhD degrees here take so awfully long? It's listed as 2 1/2-3 years for MA and 6 1/2 for PhD on average!
  3. I take it as they take 40 into their MA program who can continue into the PhD program, and 5-10 who already have MAs straight into their PhD program. Could be wrong, though.
  4. Oh yay! I didn't see these replies until just now! @cunningham - I'm finishing up at the University of South Carolina right now. I've got a TA so I've got to be up there on the 5th too. I still have three schools to hear from, but I'm thinking I'll end up at KU.
  5. 19th Century American (Women's lit and African-American lit in particular) & gender theory. Unfortunately, the countryside around Columbia isn't gorgeous, but we do have some good parks for bike riding: http://scgreatoutdoors.com/park-harbisonforest.html and http://www.scgreatoutdoors.com/park-congaree.html (bikes are permitted in places). Lots of people ride their bikes around the city though.
  6. I am about to finish (so I guess I should've said almost grad), but only undergrad. There are lots of cool people and lots of great (GREAT) professors at USC. I know that undergrad is definitely different from grad, BUT this is backed up by various grad students there, too. However, I'm afraid Columbia kind of sucks. It's really, really hot during the summer and it isn't exactly scenic. But it's two hours from Charleston (gorgeous - my hometown & the beach!) and about two hours away from Asheville (really cool hippie town in the mountains). There are some good things about Columbia, though: it's cheap; its winters are mild; during spring there are lots of pretty flowers; good music scene; lots of bars if you're into that; really cool independent movie theater; some parts of campus are very pretty; tons of cool coffee shops for studying.
  7. Another SC graduate here to boast about the English department. Definitely underrated. Definitely great.
  8. I probably am!
  9. Hey guys - I've seen a couple of postings of acceptances to this program. I've been accepted and it's at the top of my list as of right now. Is anyone leaning toward this school or definitely decided on going to this school? Also - anyone heard anything about KU's reputation? My current professors rave about it, but I want to hear what others have heard. and finally - for those who will be moving to Lawrence, what are you planning to do for housing? Anyone looking for a roommate?
  10. I posted an MA acceptance to UNL; I've gotten like 5 gazillion emails from them. I'm not going to take it, so maybe that's good news for some waitlisters.
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