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Everything posted by ukulele11

  1. Hi! I'm headed to U of A in the fall to start a 3 year Master's program. Anyone figured out housing yet? I know I'm kind of late on this, but I've been trying to look at apartments and other housing options online. Excited to go to Tucson!
  2. Has anyone else who applied for postbac at UW heard anything? I hope we hear back today or tomorrow! I can't stand another weekend of waiting! haha
  3. Thank you, AudioEnvy. I wish you the best of luck as well! I am a firm believer that things happen for a reason. Even if it is not what we had originally wanted or planned for, it will all work out. I'm sorry, Theasaurus! This whole application process was such a rollercoaster of emotions! The admissions process is always going to be kind of a mystery to me. You never really know where you're going to get in and there are just so many people applying now! Boulder said they had over 500 applicants. CRAZY! Although I'm still pretty bummed, I know that it'll work out no matter what. Being rejected from somewhere that I had had so much hope for (I have family in Boulder and just love the city) has given me the chance to consider places that I had never really thought too much about before. Best of luck to you! Thanks, WannabeSLP! You too!
  4. Aahhh thank you for the update! I'm so nervous to hear back, but it's nice to know that we'll know soon! I just got rejected from Boulder and am heartbroken, so I need some good news.
  5. Is anyone else considering the University of Arizona in Tucson? I am going to visit their campus on April 2nd. PM me if you're also thinking of attending U of A!
  6. Congrats! Boulder is an amazing place! I'm keeping my fingers crossed for Boulder, too. Been checking my email on and off all day. Argh! haha
  7. Did you attend UW for postbac? How did you like it? Thanks for the advice! I'll be sure to email Gabrielle to see if I can get some clarification and hopefully know the decision sooner.
  8. Wow, congrats! That's exciting!
  9. I also applied to UW for postbac. Apparently they won't let us know until really late! "Notification Period: May-June" http://admit.washing...adlines#postbac Argh! How are we supposed to deal with other schools with deadlines to make decisions in April??
  10. Oh yeah, I'm definitely guilty of being overly sensitive lately! haha Hopefully we'll all get some good news soon so that we can finally be sane again! After putting up with all of our insanity, our friends and families might be more grateful that this whole process is over than we will be!
  11. "Don't worry. I'm sure you'll get into a lot of places!" Then when I express my fear that I won't get in anywhere... "You have transferable skills and good experience, so I'm sure you'll still be able to get a good job." Not really making me feel any better. The reason I applied to grad school was because I don't want to work the sort of job that I have been doing. These 'transferable skills' would be helpful if I wanted to stay in my current realm of work. I know people are just trying to be supportive and positive, but I'm having a hard time with these comments.
  12. Hi everyone, Waiting for decisions is excruciating... so far I've only heard back from two schools and they both put me on the waitlist (UMN Twin Cities and GWU). GAH! Is anyone else on the waitlist for a school sending any additional letters/emails/other info to the schools where you were waitlisted? I'm trying to decide if this is a good idea. I have already responded, letting the schools know that I am still very interested in the program and to keep me on the list, but I don't really have much else to say. I am currently working at an internship, but what I do is not related to SLP. I am seeking out opportunities to shadow speech pathologists in the area to hopefully get a start on some of my clinical observation hours. Any advice is appreciated! Thanks in advance!
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