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Everything posted by disjecta

  1. Thanks latetothegame! I work in 20th century but I am familiar w/ Dr. Henry. I'm sure I will have ample opportunity to take her classes. So nice of you to pull for me. Temple looks like a great program -- I'm sure you'll love it there! Best of luck
  2. I'm concentrating on getting published this summer. Writing a book review and trying to get an article placed
  3. Hey, so here's the promised update: Got accepted/funded at Auburn but recieved a better offer. Good luck!!! Seems like a great program and the Grad Coordinator is incredibly helpful and professional
  4. disjecta

    Philadelphia, PA

    Just an FYI for anyone else still waiting to hear back from Temple regarding funding: A little birdy told me that funding is being solidified this week and that funding letters will go out in the mail next week. Gosh, I sure do *hope* I get one!
  5. Hey Tug, I know exactly what you mean. I finally got a letter, but ONLY after calling to find out my status. If it makes you feel any better, a friend of mine who has a sister in the department told me that funding for the graduate program was seriously cut. I think I would rather find out now than get half way through the program and have my funding reduced or cancelled.
  6. Yaggles, The person from the other thread is Comp. Lit. -- Wouldn't make much difference, as Comp. Lit. and Lit. are vastly different
  7. Fantastic news!!! Congrats :)
  8. I'm so sorry Muffinlit. At least now, we can all start bracing ourselves. It seems the letters are in the mail :shock: :? :roll:
  9. Hey Tug, Thanks for clarifying : As for checking with a professor... I think you might be better off letting the chips fall where they may. I had a conversation just this week with my own esteemed DGS regarding a similar question and he recommended against it. I take his advice as sage. Of course, if you have some kind of working relationship with said professor(s) or have been interviewed by them, then I assume that they would be less put off by an inquiry. Good luck and *seriously* thank you for clearing the air on how that email initiated.
  10. Yaggles, Did you just get an email out of the blue? Or was it in response to a query?
  11. Okay, well now I must say that I am impressed with the response of the DGS. Not only did she go waaay out of her way to locate my application, she had the grad school "activate" my application. Then she emailed me to let me know that *not* all funding decisions have been made yet and she would make sure that my application is reviewed. She went, as they say, 'above and beyond,' in an effort to rectify the problem and reignited my hopes regarding the program. So, now I'm back to keeping my fingers crossed
  12. Okay, promised you an update, so here goes: I finally contacted Auburn today regarding the status of my application. Shortly thereafter, I got an email from the DGS asking me when I paid my application fee. So, clearly, they have no record of me. To say I am irritated would be an understatement. They sent me several emails telling me that they were in receipt of my transcripts, etc. -- yet no mention of an unpaid fee?!
  13. Have any of you had a change of status or any notification whatsoever? I think FSU and Purdue are going for a tie on the loooongest waitlist in history :wink:
  14. Oh, okay *that* email. I thought for a fleeting moment there that another email might have circulated. Of course, that would require actual communication from the department :roll:
  15. Did I miss something? What email?
  16. Okay, I'm trying to figure out what's up w/ UGA. I have yet to get an answer of any kind and I'm beginning to wonder whether or not they lost my application?! I'm assuming it's a rejection as I cannot access the "check your status" tool. Anyone else heard back? Anyone having a similar difficulty w/ the status check?
  17. Congratulations! When did you hear from them? I've been waiting to hear back on my PhD application. So, it would be helpful to know if they're *just* now getting around to sending letters. Also, were you informed via e-mail or regular post? Okay... I have not attended UGA, but the Athens area is pretty nice. Definitely a college town feel. In the surrounding area there's some neat older architechture. I'm sure you'll like it. And Atlanta isn't that far of a hike, if you like the city. Best of luck and enjoy UGA
  18. Yeah, waiting this long is like a slow turning of the knife. Doesn't seem very promising at this point.
  19. I've heard that Kentucky has a very dynamic, engaging program. Plus, they hold a conference in Louisville every year which is well received and attended. Many from my own University go each year. Honestly, I applied to both and if I would have been accepted to Kentucky, THAT would have been my choice.
  20. disjecta

    Philadelphia, PA

    Okay, so, if I live in the suburbs and take a train in to Temple... can I ask how often they run? I need to know that I can get back to my kid in case of an emergency (school calling that she needs picked up for some reason, etc.) Which is why I thought driving in might be better. But if the trains run often that might not be such a huge dilemma. Also, as for parking on Temple's campus -- the paid parking -- I understand about not leaving anything in your car (only makes sense), but is the parking outdoors? Garages? And is there security? And how far is the parking from the campus? I looked at the campus maps, but they don't really indicate student vs staff parking (I'm sure I'm looking at the wrong map). And how competitive is campus parking? At my campus now, there are times of day where you simply cannot park ANYWHERE. So, you learn to come earlier or later accordingly. And our lots are quite a distance from the buidlings of our main campus. Thanks to all of you for the info. You've made Philly sound less scary and more interesting
  21. I personally know a PhD candidate who got off the waitlist in August. AUGUST!!! Can you imagine?! Ugh, I swear there is no rhyme or reason. It seems as though you get an offer ONLY after a space becomes available.
  22. Gosh, not to go in a different direction, but: Have you contacted the schools where you are waitlisted to let them know you have a funded offer elsewhere, but that they are your first choice? I did that when I got into my MA program and got off the waitlist within two days of talking with them. Might be worth a shot :wink:
  23. Wrappedupinbooks, What is your area of interest? I know the letter said "select few" but that really is a relative term. The good thing is that the department is wealthier than most and so has more "options" insofar as funding goes. The bad thing (and from what I understand this is very, very bad for anyone on the waitlist this year) is that there were like over 300 applicants. So, ouch. I guess all we can do is hope for the best -- good luck to you
  24. Hey wrappedupinbooks, I am not the one who posted the waitlist info on UT. I hate to break hard news... but from what I understand the waitlist is ENORMOUS (like upwards of 50 candidates) for the PhD program. And, you cannot find where you are situated on it because the department is not using the same ranking system that they've used in past years. If you've received other offers, you may want to seriously consider them.
  25. disjecta

    Philadelphia, PA

    Yes, it does help thanks so much for the response. I would prefer to rent a house rather than an apartment. I hate the idea of nieghbors sharing walls. And I like relative quite. Public schools and transportation and of course, saftey are my biggest concerns though. Especially as I'll be going into a PhD program, so my daughter will have 5 years (give or take) in whatever school system I move her to.
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