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Everything posted by disjecta

  1. disjecta

    Philadelphia, PA

    Okay here's my "Temple" dilemma: I'm a single parent and need good schools for my daughter and a SAFE place to live that is car and dog friendly. So, clearly I'm looking at the burbs. Any ideas on where would be best? And also -- how impossible is it to drive my car to Temple and park on campus? Everyone seems to mention subways, etc. Not sure how safe I would feel on public transport. Just an aside: Most everything that I have read about Philly makes the place sound like a war-zone. So, if I'm better off just NOT moving to the area, please tell me :?
  2. I am teaching half-time and also working as an editorial assistant at one of my University's literary journals. I'm also taking classes and writing my MA thesis, which is in the revisions stage now. Grad applications and waiting to hear back from programs has been a huge distraction. It's been a struggle to remain focused this semester. I'm hoping that all of this toil and worry pays off! :|
  3. Thanks to all of you for the support and kind words of understanding. Yesterday, I *finally* received my first full acceptance letter (whew!). And whether or not I decide to go to that school, the acceptance, at the very least, validated my efforts. I'm also waitlisted at another school, with hopes of getting in. At this point, I feel uber fortunate to have gotten in anywhere. So many of you have pointed out (and rightly so) that this year has been especially rough on grad students. It's crappy and it doesn't seem fair that so many talented, viable candidates are being shut out of programs as a result of the economy and job markets. I just hope that by the time we are all done with out PhD's that we will emerge to a better job market. Again, I really appreciate the time all of you took talking me off the narrow ledge of despair. Best of luck to all!
  4. Okay, add me to the "many." I received an acceptance letter from the DGS yesterday. He stated that they are still working out funding and will have it solidified within the next two weeks. It doesn't sound, from his letter, as though I am "waitlisted" for funding. More like I will have funding, they're just ironing out the details. But, really, I have no idea. Not sure about Temple though... I hear it is in a terrible part of Philly. Anyone familiar with the area? Where it's best to live (OFF campus), suburbs? Living in Penn vs living in Jersey? Still waiting to hear back from four other schools and waitlisted at one
  5. Thanks all. It's nice to know that I'm not alone in feeling this way. Doesn't stop me from feeling like a total loser, but it's nice to know anyway :wink:
  6. Good for you. Congrats. I'm sure you'll get funding. I was wondering more about a wait list I guess. I saw the results page... but I have yet to hear back from Temple and have no new status update when I check the application. I'm sure it's a rejection, especially since so "many" have been accepted. Best of luck.
  7. I'm so digusted... 10 rejections, 1 waitlist, waiting for news on 5 others. At this point, *any* news would be better than this constant lingering doubt. Any confidence I once had has been shattered. I can't think. I can't work. I can't sleep. And I can't take much more of this stress. I suppose I should just accept that it's over.
  8. I probably shouldn't even waste a thought on this, but has anyone heard ANYTHING from Temple? :?
  9. Muffinlit??? Did you get that email after contacting them... or did they just send it to you out of the blue? I'm curious as I'm in the same boat as all of you, at least, until that rejection letter finally comes. Anyone else feel completely dejected at this point?
  10. I'm so glad you responded. I was beginning to think that no one else applied to Auburn! Of course, that would improve my chances While I hate that anyone else has to suffer this horrific wait along with me, it's heartening to know that I've got company. If you do hear anything, please post here and let me know. Best of luck!!!
  11. I've been wondering about this as well. Haven't seen a thing since that e-mail a few weeks back. I'm sick to my stomach wondering about what the lack of response means -- and since so many people got offers back in February -- I suppose it doesn't look good. Best of luck.
  12. I've been waiting to hear back from Purdue also. It doesn't sound promising, does it?
  13. Have any of you heard from Auburn? I applied to the Literature PhD. program months ago and have heard nothing. :?
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