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Everything posted by feministanth

  1. I second Jellyfish's thoughts and agree there is a difference between no funding for MA or PhD program. I would suggest talking to current students and see how they make ends meet, as well as trying to get a more clear idea about future TA positions from current students and your faculty advisor. This really varies by school and program. Without possibilities for a TA or campus position that will cover tuition, the debt could get overwhelming. I also know people who work jobs off campus and it can really detract from PhD studies. Tutoring should be considered supplemental, but not your primary source of income! I am currently in a grad program without full funding, but there are ample opportunities for TA positions in the department and around campus.
  2. Huge congrats to everyone who's received good news so far! The silence is starting to get to me. Seconding the Q about Hopkins (I did see one interview but I've heard nothing) and also wanted to ask the folks who have heard from NYU if it seems their decisions have already been made? I'm cultural anth. Finally, I've seen nothing about UC Santa Cruz posted on this board - any word?
  3. Just found this board, also moving to Boulder this fall! I'll be joining the MA program in Anthro. I'm just now starting the housing search...I guess I'm a bit late on it but wow it's expensive! I appreciate the comments people have listed above. For those already familiar with Boulder/surrounding area, how is public transportation from south of the city getting to campus? I'd prefer to live somewhere where I can bike or take the bus rather than driving to campus every day, especially during winter.
  4. So, I'm waiting on a couple schools with absolutely no response though applications were due Dec. 1. I'm starting to lose my mind as I have yet to receive a single official acceptance. Is it appropriate to email these programs about my status, or should I just keep waiting and assume they will contact me when decisions are available? It just seems like a rather long time for decisions. Also, congrats to all the amazing acceptances I've seen on this board! As another mentioned, I was initially intimidated by GCF but am so thankful for the support system it provides in the emotional application process.
  5. I've been waiting on UT as well; applied for MA in Social. Feeling concerned; it's one of my top schools. I spoke to a friend doing his PhD there and found out the committee made a few initial offers but are trying to get more funding before making any more. Of course this is all unofficial. My understanding though is if you haven't heard anything yet, you're in the second consideration pool. I don't know when they will let us know something, it's driving me crazy! I've been considering emailing the department. If you hear anything more official, please let me know!
  6. Things have been so silent for me, I'm going crazy! Any word from UT Austin or UCSC? I know a lot of the other UCs have already made decisions but haven't seen anything about Santa Cruz on the forums...
  7. I pm'ed you with a more detailed message. But for others interested, I was accepted last year (late response...mid March) and offered 20% tuition remission though I still thought NSSR was too expensive. For exactly the reasons Lexicon stated (I heard similar complaints from others as well), I decided to decline and reapply this year to funded PhD programs. In the US, it is certainly not a highly esteemed program; I think it's reputation is actually better abroad than domestically.
  8. Can definitely relate! Was waitlisted in a top program last year. They continued to tell me likelihood was high; gave me so much confidence that I rejected a lower school in hoes that would get in. Constant communications with the program went on through late MAY until they finally told me: We regret to inform you, we were unable to procure enough funding to accept anyone off the waitlist. Heartbreaking. This year, applying again, just got waitlist notice yesterday. Not sure how to deal with the emotional stress of waiting again! Good luck to everyone else though. I have to think some times waitlisting turns out well!
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