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Everything posted by maker
OK great! Good Luck, I am headed to MT. Royal.
So, just curious, where will you do your MFA?
Not going to be able to make it but, I have signed letter of intent.
I agree with Ol' Spice. I am also an older student and I am not really worried about the money. I have learned how to make money. I believe the best degrees will get you the best education and aid you in producing the best work. The most successful professor's and artist's I know came from top schools.
I dont know much about Cal. schools even though I was born there, I had one professor that got his MFA from SAIC and also taught there and he still loved the school. He was one of the best professor's I had besides my Painting Prof. who graduated MFA Yale. My favorite teachers have been the ones with the most prestigious degrees. I don't think that is coincidence. I saw that you got accepted to MICA that is the only school I applied to besides SMU. I will be attending there because I liked the Multi-disciplinary approach. I am a much older student who has worked as a builder for many years. My approach and view might be different. It looks like you have great options good luck!
Well maybe RISD will send you an offer too! I have a friend who got the Presidential Scholarship at RISD (full tuition)
Was the SAIC scholarship better than MICA? I only applied to MICA so, I am just curious about other schools.
good for you! good luck!
If you look in publications that show successful artist's and if you look at the resume's of most professor's you will notice that they come from top tier schools. I also feel that it helps you get gallery representation and grants with the best schools on your Resume'. This in turn, equals money to pay back loans.
I can only say that you should hear by the end of this week. Someone called Chris the Graduate co-odinator and he said you should know by Friday. I was also told in an email that it would happen by Friday.
Awesome! congrats! I will be signing on the dotted line with them!
In at MICA, MT. Royal!!!
I am a much older student. I have had to work and go to school for many years. Seize the day while you can, getting into Graduate School is one of the biggest signs that other's thought you make great art. After you get the degree it will always be on your resume and will create opportunities. The post-bacc would look good on your resume as well but, don't stop now.
I was talking to my Painting professor.. he graduated from Boston Univ. with a BFA and MFA Yale. I asked him how many programs he applied to and he said only Yale! I wonder if that is unheard of today? I was just called and accepted to MICA MT. Royal as I was typing this!!!!
Congrats! looks like you have a lot of options.
I She was sick when I interviewed also. Good luck, you now have a good opportunity!
That is perfect! I hope you don't mind me picking your brain a bit. Would you chose it over VCU? Did you get to inteview with Frances Barth?
they said they would offer between 10% and 46% scholarships. I am still hoping they will call within a couple of days. Chris said they would be done sending out notifications by Friday. Do you live near there?
Congratulations! I haven't heard from Mt. Royal yet, might be bad news. But congrats to you! Did they make you a scholarship offer?
Hi whoisit, I noticed you applied to Mt. Royal. Did you have an interview? If so, in Feb. or March? I interviewed but, Frances Barth was sick at the time. ... good luck!
Interdisciplinary at Mt. Royal, I don't think we are on the same timelines because, I see that some have already been rejected and waitlisted in graphic design.
Anybody apply to MICA Mt. Royal?
MICA MT. Royal said they would send out notifications after Friday next week. I don;t know about Hoffberger.
I noticed that some have been accepted and rejected in graphic design, but I was told by one of the graduate advisors that some could get in with or without an interview .