Wellllllll, I'm damned late in introducing myself. Just did a random search for "2012 MPA rankings" following an ill-timed rejection letter. Was about to hit up the gym, and I require some vindication by finding a source which would discredit the university I was rejected from so as to not be in a bad state of mind while exercising.
Found the forum, read a few threads, and I thought I'd sign up. Bunch of bright people here it seems. This thread in particular--- damn. If I had seen this thread while applying to graduate school, I'd have crapped my pants. I know there's endless upon endless elite individuals out there, but applying whilst not thinking of and being confronted by all that definitely helps.
With that said, I'm David Kelly Chao, and it is a pleasure to meet you all. I am pretty certain at this point that I will be going to George Washington-Trachtenberg for my MPA. As I applied for a JD-MPA program, I will spend my first year predominantly at the GWU Law.
Program Applied To (MPA, MPP, IR, etc.): JD-MPA, single MPA
Schools Applied To: American University, Columbia, George Washington, University of Maryland
Schools Admitted To: GWU, UMD
Schools Rejected From: AU
Still Waiting: Columbia
Undergraduate institution: Ohio State University
Undergraduate GPA: 3.15
Undergraduate Major: Quad degree consisting of Political Science, International Relations, Psychology, and German. This was completed in 5 years with no summers. I was influenced by several factors to engage in such a broad curriculum, amongst them being another individual who was 3 years' my senior and found a way to exploit the system and obtain 4 degrees. Another reason was that my scholarship was an unconditional full-ride with generous stipend for five years. So... why not, right? I found out I would be able to do 5, but I instead opted to study abroad in Germany, Ukraine, and Indonesia. The Political Science department was also stingy about giving me internship credit during the summer!
Last 60 hours of undergraduate GPA: 3.8
GRE Quantitative Score: 650
GRE Verbal Score: 600
GRE AW Score: 5.5
Years Out of Undergrad (if applicable): 1
Years of Work Experience: 2
Describe Relevant Work Experience: Representing several D.C. non-profits in their interests in other states, political lobbying and strategy, non-profit and business development
Languages: English, German, Spanish, and Chinese. I am fluent in all three with the exception of the latter, in which I still lack the ability to read and write. From a strict conversational point of view, though, I am good to go.
Quant: Loads. More than I could handle at the time. I knocked out my Psychology degree in my first 5 quarters. In that time, I took advanced undergraduate statistics, microeconomics, macroeconomics, and several graduate and aspiring graduate student courses in quantitative analysis. One which particularly kicked my ass the time was research methods in social psychology. I also took a fair share of cognitive and mathematical psychology oriented courses. On the topic of things more relevant to my career interests-- things related to law, politics, and public administration-- well, there wasn't a whole lot besides a graduate course with the John Glenn School of Public Affairs on rebuilding weak, failed, and collapsed states. My study abroad opportunities in Ukraine and Indonesia also required economic analysis.
International Exposure: Pretty much what I already discussed. 8 months studyin' abroad in the land of BMWs and bratwurst, 3 weeks in Ukraine, and a little over a month in Indonesia. The first was an intensive language and culture-oriented study abroad. The medial was a study abroad slashe case study tour in which 10 students formed into 3 teams and met with experts on security, economic infrastructure, and social thingamajiggs while also touring the nation; the end of which resulted in a lengthy 30-page analysis to be made to a corresponding US government agency on why the USA should care, what it can do, etc (I was part of the security team, so I ultimately went to Defense Intelligence Agency for my presentation). The latter, yeah, it was a pretty relaxed 1 month program in which the aim was considering economic development in Indonesia with the top scholar on Indonesian development, William Liddle. I have mixed opinions on this program, so I'll refrain. Recreationally, well, I have been just about everywhere except South and Central America.
Strength of SOP: I think was this was my "I win button". My GRE and GPA scores weren't exactly the most competitive, but I wrote an awesome statement of purpose which combined good writing, no flowery language or that of which you'd take to be from that of a blowhard or brown-noser, what I want to do-- have done-- how they all relate-- and how I will accomplish everything, why and how it relates to each university.
Strength of LOR (be honest, describe the process, etc): One from a very esteemed professor in her field who served as my employer and not my instructor. I worked for her as a research assistant as an undergraduate during my final year. Another one came from a professor of a class I took in my final year-- to show where I was-- as well as because he is also held in very high regard in his specialty. My third and back-up/fourth recommendations came from two associates of mine with which I am opening a business.
Other: Founder and CEO of four businesses, amongst them a software development company which focuses on videogames and also professional and individual interfaces, communications, and networking solutions. In the process of starting a few non-profits, the first of which is expected to launch early 2014. Currently doing free-lance op-ed writing and also trying to write several books and begin a magazine/political forum for Asian Americans. Trying to found a cheap/low-cost legal clinic for immigrants. Advocating for a new-wave (I like to say they are new, anyways!) of sustainable business practices and the elevation of Asian American political footing in the USA. Probably other crap, too. I honestly forget everything I put on my resume and applications. I'm just a guy who figures I have a lot of energy and knowledge, and given the unforgiving nature of time, may do as damned much as possible while I'm still here.
I'm also a candidate for United States Marine Corps PLC 16-2013. Gon' train to be a military attorney in the summers off from school.