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Everything posted by nailbitingnmiserable

  1. I haven't heard anything yet, and I'm starting to lose hope. :cry:
  2. Looks like people are starting to hear back from U Chicago, and so far I'm not one of them. :cry:
  3. Man, I only applied to 6 schools...I'm out at one, probably out at two more, and the others I have no idea about. Ughh.
  4. Is anyone else here waiting on UChicago and UPENN?
  5. Hey Everyone, Ever since I was rejected from NYU, I've actually been feeling strangely relieved. It was my top choice, and the first school I heard about, and somehow I'm still alive and not a total mess. I guess I can handle a few more rejections. I just hope I get in somewhere. :|
  6. I emailed my potential adviser at WashU, and he told me I hadn't made the final list. He was very nice about the whole thing, but it was still one of the worst emails I've ever received. ?
  7. UPENN sent out a notification this morning explaining that they are in the final decision making process...I freaked when I saw the email in my box, and thought, this is it, it is from the department administrator, I didn't get in...I can't take much more of this.
  8. Has anyone heard from NYU? I'm waiting on that decision more than any of the others, and I think my hair is starting to fall out from the stress. :|
  9. Looks like there were also a lot of acceptances today, at least in the anthropology world. I'm still without any info, and I've pretty much given up on Brown. Still waiting on UPENN, NYU, UCHICAGO, JOHNS HOPKINS, and UVA... :cry:
  10. Oh dear, that doesn't bode well for me then, does it? :cry:
  11. Oh, and more thing. I am one day away from when Brown first started sending out admissions decisions last year...I'm panicking and can't stop checking this forum. :shock:
  12. Blakkbug, have you heard anything from WUSTL? Anything about interviews or admissions decisions?
  13. I don't know what to do. I'm going to India next week, and will be away from my cell till March 8th and my mailbox till March 11th. I'm hoping to at least have access to my email, but what should I do? Do I contact the programs before I go, and let them know my situation, or do I just sit hope they don't think I'm ignoring their phone calls (if they call at all that is)?
  14. I work during the day, attend night courses during the week, and I'm planning a wedding, yet I still seem to find lots of time to fret about grad school and check this forum several times a day :cry:
  15. I spoke with the admissions sec from Johns Hopkins yesterday, and he told me the committee will be phoning and emailing students for interviews in March...March!!! Last year JHU started accepting anthropology students, without interviews, on Feb 15th. Has anyone heard anything from them...supposedly they already have some interviews scheduled... :x
  16. I'm sorry aspiringdoc...I haven't received anything yet, but I'm sure there is no way to really brace for a rejection. Try to keep your hopes up. You only need one to accept you. 8)
  17. Hey Everyone, Okay, so last year Brown and JHU started sending out acceptances Feb. 14/15, and U Chicago and NYU the following week. I'm starting to really lose it. Has anyone heard anything from these schools? I also applied to UPENN and UVA, but I have no idea when those are going to start to go out. :cry:
  18. I am sorry to be reading all these back and forth comments about racism. I thought the purpose of these boards was to find others to commiserate with, not make enemies of. We are probably all just a bit over-stressed and making ourselves crazy, and I would ask that people try not to be so offensive or offended by these frustrations. Oh, and as far as diversity issues and scholarships go, I honestly believe there are opportunities available for almost anyone these days -- including white males -- you just have to find them. I am a white female, with an MA in anthropology, so I looked mainly at things like language scholarships (I am studying Hindi) and social science research/writing programs (where I would be creating some piece of publishable work at the end of my first year). I'm also Jewish, so I looked a little at Jewish based funding. Stuff is out there.
  19. I am in a similar situation as a returning/non traditional student looking for a program that I click with. I visited my top four choices, and spoke on the phone with faculty from the others.
  20. My friends and loved ones keep telling me that if the school's don't accept me, it is their loss...funny, seems like I'll still be the one not getting her PhD, and out several hundred dollars in application fees. :x
  21. I am so happy January is almost over. I thought it would never end. My life is in limbo waiting for these results, and I just want March to hurry up and get here. I'm afraid to make any decisions in one way or another, and for better or worse I just want the wait to be over
  22. how did you even find out? What program did you apply to?
  23. This is true, I apologize. I was thinking more along the lines of my own field, anthropology, where generally the quant. sections doesn't count for much.
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