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  • Program
    Teaching and Learning PhD

Profe143's Achievements


Decaf (2/10)



  1. Finally after so much waiting, worrying, crying and hoping to not have to apply to doctoral programs for a third time (I hated the process!!!!), I was accepted by an awesome program at Fordham!!! I was interviewed and accepted on the spot!!! They really wanted to work with me!!! I still feel numb and am in utter disbelief! I think it still has to sink in.
  2. If you earned your undergrad degree there and got a graduate degree from another school, is it listed on your transcript on Albert?
  3. I feel anxious and sick to my stomach. I dreamt about applications last night and woke up feeling like crap. Now I have to teach a bunch of energetic eigth graders. I hate this feeling.
  4. When you look on the results page for April Steinhardt has all acceptances. Does that mean we're all in???? I hope so! Let's keep our fingers crossed and if we get in, we'll all meet for drinks first week of class!!!
  5. I'm soooooooooooooooooo freaking anxious!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Are you all afraid of what's in store this week??? :?: This state of uncertainty is driving me insane!!!
  6. Hi! Even if you didn't get in, you receive a letter... All this waiting might be a good thing. I'm still waiting too and it sucks, but it also gives me hope. I read that waiting this long means that you made it to round two and are probably on the waitlist. When universities don't want you, you receive a letter right away. Keep that faith! Best of Luck!
  7. Congrats!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm happy for you! Best of Luck!
  8. Congrats!!! Very happy for you and best of luck!!! Hope I get an opportunity to right an awesome post like this! :wink:
  9. So happy you got in!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Congrats! Good thing you didn't listen to "fields&charts'" negative response. I'm still waiting and hope it's positive like you!!!
  10. Is anyone teaching full-time and waiting? Do you check your e-mail, this forum, the chart, and log in to your embark accounts during breaks? I DO!!!
  11. I try to apply "The Secret." LOL Check this forum and the chart constantly, knowing that others are living through the same situation as me helps a great deal... Read, Read, Read lots of Junot Diaz (he makes me happy!). It's hard to relax though... Since this process started, I stopped going to the gym (which makes no sense b/c this is when I should be going!) and doing yoga.
  12. You're not a loser...It's just really competitive and you just have to keep trying. You can also appeal if you want to state your case, some schools accept them, such as Teachers College at Columbia. I applied to 4, was rejected my two and am waiting on two. In 2004, I applied to four and was rejected by all four. I'm hoping this year's different. Just keep trying!!!
  13. Anyone still waiting on Steinhardt? Has anyone gotten accepted/rejected yet (beside the people on the chart)? I've e-mailed John Myers twice and even a professor in the program to which I applied. Does this mean that I'm on waitlist? This is crazy!! Is "still under consideration" a good thing or is that what they tell everyone??? I received a rejection from TC - Columbia two weeks ago and CUNY -GC rejection 2.5 ago. Waiting on Fordham and NYU
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