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soimpossible618's Achievements


Decaf (2/10)



  1. My previous expirience has been: MA: awarded SSHRC, not OGS PhD 1, PhD 2: awarded OGS, not SSHRC PhD 3: awarded OGS and SSHRC (this competition) I would think that once you are awarded an OGS for your project, the results don't change much as long as you keep up the same level of work, the same general project, and same standing in your department. I know of fellow students who didn't get OGS after having received it in previous years because they started to slack, didn't follow through with publications, got in tiffs with department heads/profs, etc--in this case, they are often downgraded from top 2 or 5% to lower...which significantly effects their chances. New grad students (a particularly strong or weak year) can also completely distort departmental rankings. I was told (problematically and unprofessionally) by a professor at my school that the majority of the new PhD 1s outranked the PhD 3s in their applications.
  2. Successful App. GTA (Thornhill/Vaughan). 22.95/30 20 000/2 years B Category English Literature Good luck everyone.
  3. Hi NaiFang, This means that you have been accepted (CONGRATS!). It's really just a matter of wording. Essentially the department is saying that they've accepted you 100% and that they've sent the acceptance to the School of Graduate studies to be processed into an official contract (with all the fancy wording and details of the offer--ie. funding and time frame) that you can accept or decline. Hope that helps.
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