Hey me too!
I'm officially UK Rejected. Holla.
Honestely, I was surprised I even made it past the first round for the UK. I applied At-Large, have been out of school for 9 years, and took one weekend to pull my application together. I am glad to finally know what's what, the waiting has been arduous, and will move forward with a plan B tbc. This forum (although it has been slightly anxiety provoking), has been really really helpful in a strange addictive refreshing email insanity kind of way. It's great hear everyone's perspectives, and to know you're not wandering alone in Fulbright wonder wonderland.
I can't say it feels entirely good, as my Ego is saying, yes see...you are stupid...you didn't even get selected for a Fulbright grant. It's a super ridiculous thought, as I do not think that about any of you recommended folks that have been not selected.
I applied, naively, to 6 PhD programs 2 years ago in an unrelated field, and got totally rejected all around. I was pretty depressed after that happened, and felt really really stuck, and questioned so much. But, in the end, I was happy, especially after seeing and living with close friends holed up, writing, and hating life in a similar field....It wasn't the track wasn't for me, clearly.
It's seems like academia is full of rejection letters, lighting the way to a really right path. Honeybunches, I really appreciate your perspective, and it's good to know you can always reapply for a Fulbright without having a red dot next to your name. And the best thing any of us can do is pick up and continue to walk forward.
Good luck to everyone out there!!!